I made a new game called 'Ramsay' which is just like a sokoban game, but I can't really make heaps of levels which I would like. You can create your own levels using the 'temp' background. Go to this link to see the game and to see the description (which has the details on the blocks):
If you have a level you would like to have on the future release, you can upload your level as the stage, tell me, and I can add it to the level select (which will probably be on the future release).
I hope you enjoy Ramsay, and the levels.
I might do it tomorrow if I have time. Right now I gotta edit this challenge Newareagle gave me
Colkadome, heres one level. I can do more, maybe 1 a day. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/F18/218990
Colkadome wrote:
Right now I've got 5 levels, thanks for making one newareagle. Ramsay is looking good now. It has a level-select, coolness and it is programmed simply.
Yeah, i noticed that the coded is really easy to understand, and also uses a simple pattern, so anyone with former knowledge of scratch could program a level. All you reall need is some wit, for where to put the boxes. The rest is using paint.