Terminology:Terminology is the study of terms and their use. Terms are words and compound words that are used in specific contexts. Not to be confused with "terms" in colloquial usages, the shortened form of technical terms (or terms of art) which are defined within a discipline or speciality field. The discipline Terminology studies among other things how such terms of art come to be and their interrelationships within a culture.
Meaning that this is a list of terms commonly used in scratch!XD
Scratchers: The scratchers are the users who structure scratch alltogether. They create the projects, the galleries, and the forum threads. Anyone can be a scratcher!
Remix: Remixing is downloading a project and then changing it then reposting it.
Love-It: Loving it is expressing that you are impressed or pleased with a project by clicking a button!
Favorite It: Favoriting is meaning that you like it more than loving it! When you favorite something it will show up on your home page so you can go to that particular project whenever you please.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is remixing something usually not changing a thing then saying that it is yours
Scratch Cat: The Scratch Cat is our well symbol of scratch you could say.. It is widely exploited in scratch as an emblem. Normally, everyday at least 1-3 projects a day have the scratch cat in it.
Flagging: Flagging is when you click the *Flag as Inappropriate* button when someone has said something or made a project inappropriate.
Galleries: Galleries are made to store projects. Usually RPG projects are kept in galleries
Spamming: Spamming is when you randomly post something about your project on someone elses project. Some scratchers are OK about spamming some get REALLY mad if you do!
Ok Thats all i have for now! If you have anything else let me know! Oh and don't make up a term out of the blue! If people don't know about it they won't use it even if It is listed here!
Hmm...What about forums? They play a big part in scratch you would have to say
You should also make ones about Galleries, and Favouriting.
I already did those two!O.o
Oh and Sil I will add forums a.s.a.p
How about one on scripting?
Wow - great guide! Keep up the good work! It reminds me a lot of this topic
Wow! I didn't see that! Anyway thanks oh and I scripting I forgot about that and Sprites
I can include a few forum-specific terminology:
Bumping:Posting on an old thread to bring it to the front.
Necroposting:Bumping an outdated thread(note that this does not apply for TBGs)
Flaming:Being rude
Spamming:Posting,"VISIT MAH PROJECT NAO!" or messages of the like repeatedly
Paddle2See:A god.
Andremsh:A god.
Helltank:A god.