[open (URL) in {new window/current window}]-Will open the URL in the blank with the default browser. the second option is online only.
[change project (project code)]-Will open up a project and replace it with what is currently on. This is useful for episodic projects. The project code are those numbers at the end of a project's URL.
<online?>-It senses if you're online or not. This could be useful for those large projects that only work offline.
Project Pages:
Anyways, instead of just notes, comments, and tags, there can be a few new things added.
Rating: 'nuff said.
Reviews: Similar to comments, but it is used to point out the pros and cons of the project. You also have to rate it if you haven't already.
Bugs, Glitches, and Errors: Made especially for reporting glitches and errors of the project.
Comment Rep: Give good or bad rep to comments.
Story: Optional. Allows you to explain the story a bit. Similar to project notes.
Instructions: Optional. Allows you to explain how to play. Similar to project notes.
Separate script and sprite downloads: Allows you to have downloads for various sprites and scripts used in the project. You also have an option to turn off downloading the project. Using a sprite or script downloaded this way will put the original creator in the credits area.
Credits: Shows various credits. There is 2 sections in it: One for Scratch users, and another for non-Scratch users. As stated above, if any sprites, scripts, or music is used that was downloaded in through that manner, it will automatically put their name in the credits. You can also give credit to other people like music credits, art credits, etc. It's also where it will have the remix thing, and a the link to the remix visualization.
Tell me if there's anything here you didn't understand.