i am currently building a scracth animation and i need some help with. my animation script is:
when left arrow key is pressed
turn left 15 degrees
when right arrow key is pressed
turn right 15 degrees.
and it is animating a cat which spins around and i need to make fire other objects to hit oppents.
how do you program the space bar to fire other objects when pressed?
You actually program the projectile. Create a ball or a bullet sprite and script it something like:
When Green Flag Clicked
When Space Pressed
Go To Cat
Point in Direction Direction of Cat
Repeat Until Touching Edge or Touching Target
Move 5 Steps
End Repeat
Something along those lines. Hope that helps
And too this aint real(impossible).Zelda123 has 2800 messages
ok too mun
Super_smash_brother wrote:
And too this aint real(impossible).Zelda123 has 2800 messages
ok too mun
Please keep the formum posts on-topic. Thank you.