i have 21 messages. why? its alot!
Messages are when someone comments on your projects, adds them to a galley, adds you to their friends list, or replies to one of your comments. There are lots of ways to get messages. You have 21 messages because people looked at your projects and commented on them, or because they did something I described above.
<hide><show>BTW, you can't SEND messages,(ohhh man! I wanna be able to send PMs!)you can only post comments or post here in the forums, and you don't get messages from someone posting a comment on your forum(I think)[blocks]<switch to costume[ <next costume><say[ <say[ ]for( )secs><think[ ]for( )secs><think[ <set[ ]effect to( <change[ ]effect by( <clear graphic effects><set size to( )%><size>
wat now i have 22 messages
shadow_and_sonic wrote:
wat now i have 22 messages
Once, I decided to save my messages for a few days, and wound up with over 700.
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/shadow_and_sonic/214955 u beta not look at dis if u love noatwin
somebodys really spyin on me
I have none because I just delete them once I see what they are. It's too much of a hassle to leave them there all the time
I have an rpg and I got 67 comments on it when I logged on.
I had like 3553 or something, than my dogs ate our internet (literally) and when we got it back today I had like 3702 or something like that