how do you make a simple jump script with the variables?
You don't need to use variables for jump scripts - but if you want a jump with velocity, variables come in handy. Here's a simple jumping script with velocity that uses a variable:
Any questions?
Jonathanpb wrote:
You don't need to use variables for jump scripts - but if you want a jump with velocity, variables come in handy. Here's a simple jumping script with velocity that uses a variable: … ithafa.png
Any questions?
I prefer this:
It's a bit easier to edit/look at.
Edit: Whoa! The quality in the image is horrible! I wonder why .
Last edited by Sunrise-Moon (2010-09-04 00:53:50)
I used the sets and they work a lot! Thanks!! (I never knew how to make my dude jump) im trying to make a platformer!
Actually this one I made with other people's scripts
<when green flag clicked>
<change y by(<{ jump }>
<if><touching[ platform
<set{ jump }to(0
<if> << <key[ space ]pressed?> <and> <touching[ platform >>
<repeat( 7
<change{ jump }by(2
<change{ jump }by(-1