Being a compilation of some of the very best videos, papers, and other media of undeniable interest to the Scratch community.
How Creativity is being Strangled by the Law
Larry Lessig
This is a must-see talk by Larry Lessig, a lawyer and the closest thing you get to a rock star in the intellectual property community. He's also the main guy behind the Creative Commons License under which your Scratch projects are shared. I guarantee this will inspire you. Andres gives it two thumbs up!
Creative Commons - Building on the Past
Justin Cone
This video illustrates what Creative Commons is all about, and is both informative and entertaining.
Wanna Work Together?
Creative Commons
Another fun video from the Creative Commons organization.
A Fair(y) Use Tale
Eric Faden
Professor Faden of Bucknell University put together this hilarious summary of copyright principles using hundreds of short samples from Disney movies. Annoying in a good way.
On Plagiarism
Richard Posner
Are you still confused about how "plagiarism" differs from copyright infringement and other long words? This short article by Richard Posner from The Atlantic Monthly will clear it up for you.
Copyright and Fair Use FAQ
Chilling Effects Clearinghouse
If you're interested in the gory details of "fair use," this FAQ from the people at the Chilling Effects Clearinghouse is exactly what you're looking for.
Recut, Reframe, Recycle
Center for Social Media
Fun and detailed discussion of fair use in the context of mash-ups and other forms of user-generated video.
Last edited by chalkmarrow (2008-07-11 17:50:45)
Wow. Great list!
While I'm on this topic, what words do you think pop up the most when people talk about copying, remixing, and plagiarism on Scratch? I put together a quick project that tries to help answer that question.
chalkmarrow wrote:
While I'm on this topic, what words do you think pop up the most when people talk about copying, remixing, and plagiarism on Scratch? I put together a quick project that tries to help answer that question.
Probably music, remixing Scratch projects, and tests (at least for me. You say copy and it makes me think of tests because my science teacher was strict about it, always yelling while we were taking them)
Yay! Good list. :p