The "mouse down?" block in Sensing doesn't work!?!?!
What in the world is going on?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Last edited by IHeartGaming (2010-09-02 18:42:35)
You're being pretty vague... could you post the script so that we can take a look at it?
When green flag clicked Forever if mouse down and touching color [dark red] broadcast CloseWindow
When green flag clicked Forever go to mouse-pointer
Yep, two scripts.
Last edited by IHeartGaming (2010-09-02 18:52:39)
Make it one script into this:
Go to (mouse-pointer)
If (touching color dark red) and (mouse down)
Broadcast (close window)
end if
end forever
This should work. I don't really like using the Forever If blocks just because they're one of the most unreliable blocks in my opinion. This method is far more likely to work.
Put this in the thing you're clicking.
<when[ Sprite? ]clicked>
<if><mouse down?>
<broadcast[ something
Last edited by Greentabby55 (2010-09-03 07:14:48)
I got it.