It's nice to be able to share scripts and let people remix your games (and vice versa), but sometimes, you want your game only viewable online. Say if you want to put your Scratch game on a website. To prove it's yours, you could ut your name on it. But then, people could remix, put their name on it, and say it's theirs. Also, some games have songs on them. When you upload a Scratch project without permission to use somebodies music, that is illegal. People can download that project and take the music and use it. Scratch COULD be sued for illegal distribution of music. I think this is a good idea.
Oh yeah, it gives the author credit for remixing, but not importing.
What do you guys think?
I agree!
One thing about the music part: Lemme start by saying I would never do that cause I know the consequences, but I DID export Pokemon music from Oldschooler2's project that HE recorded and used it (giving him credit). So really think about this, yes, it can turn bad when people do that, but what about simple sound effects?
My laptop makes projects really slow online so I download projects all the time!
registeel wrote:
My laptop makes projects really slow online so I download projects all the time!
Right, I forgot, my Java for some reason doesn't work, so I downlaod all the time to play. If we can't download, there's really no point to be here when I can make and play games with another program
Nice idea. that might just work.
Bluestribute wrote:
registeel wrote:
My laptop makes projects really slow online so I download projects all the time!
Right, I forgot, my Java for some reason doesn't work, so I downlaod all the time to play. If we can't download, there's really no point to be here when I can make and play games with another program
Not all projects will be locked. If you really want it locked, then that's because you don't want people stealing your graphics on your game, or remixing it.
i agree, but the creator of the program should, when sharing the project, get the option to make it a downloadable, or undownloadable project, and should be able to change it later. this would be helpful for example, if someone was making a project where people have usernames and can login. peoople could just download the project and see other peoples passwords, so the creator would want to prevent downloads for that project.
Scratch is about sharing and learning from other people's code. Downloading will always be enabled.
In regards to music and other types of media we ask you to use only original material, in the public domain or with the appropriate Creative Commons license.
It is actually not illegal to copy music unless you use it as a means of making money. For example: You can give someone a copy of your CD as long as you don't sell it to them. Therefore I believe it would be the same for internet sharing of music.