I have 4 sprites in scratch. I want it so that when I click on one sprite it says " Good job" and when clicked on the other sprites it says "Sorry thats incorrect" and then broadcast the next thing. Is this possible?
Thank You!
Thank you!
Now what if I had a sprite that is doing the talking, and I want it so that when I click sprite 1, sprite_talk says "good job" and then broadcast next question.
You can remove the talk blocks from sprite 1 & 2, and use the when I recieve blocks for the talking sprite.
The sprite_talk's scripts would be:
When I receive [˘ correct] say [Good job!] for (_) seconds broadcast [˘ next question] When I receive [˘ incorrect] say [Sorry, that's incorrect.] for (_) seconds broadcast [˘ next question]
Your making a quiz type game?
I've never made a game like that, tell me more