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#1 2010-08-28 11:29:32

Registered: 2010-02-13
Posts: 34

[Suggestion] Create objects

You can create variables, you can create lists, now I suggest objects:
Objects are like sprites stocked in lists, they have this values: position x, position y, direction, height and width. But they haven't any costumes, any scripts and they take a really little place. They are invisible on the screen.
And now, imagin if I create an object "target".
Then I can do for example:
point towards: target
if touching target
It would be really usefull for games (bound zone, create AI, etc).
An other point: we can change the sprite's size only with the "set size to %". With the objects, we can change the x and y size ( = really easy).

My bloc suggestions for this idea:
Legend: < bloc > / <{ to put on a bloc }>

< set [value] of [object] to [] >
< change [value] of [object] by [] >
< show [value] of [object] >
< hide [value] of [object] >
(case to check/uncheck) <{ [value] of object>
<{ object }> (it give all values of the object ; replace a sprite)

And maybe some shortcuts:
< [object] position: x [] y [] >
< [object] size: x [] y [] >

Post your comments!

PS: sorry for my bad english.

| Turn of [...] to [...] | Time to drive | Waiting Scratch 2.0 to finish my projects |
| Sorry for my bad english, I am french |



#2 2010-08-28 11:31:08

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: [Suggestion] Create objects

Hm... It's a great idea, but I'm afraid it might be rather too complicated for newer users to understand.  While it is my new philosophy that everything doable via the GUI should be doable by blocks, I'm not sure it's all that practical.



#3 2010-08-28 11:37:50

Registered: 2010-05-07
Posts: 79

Re: [Suggestion] Create objects

i think this is a premium idea and you should be able to place them rletivly to a certain sprite so you can say  {go to(67,46) of sprite 5}



#4 2010-08-28 11:44:40

Registered: 2009-12-19
Posts: 500+

Re: [Suggestion] Create objects

Hmm... Well you can hide a sprite...  hmm Google it.  smile



#5 2010-08-28 11:45:28

Registered: 2010-02-13
Posts: 34

Re: [Suggestion] Create objects

coolstuff wrote:

Hm... It's a great idea, but I'm afraid it might be rather too complicated for newer users to understand.  While it is my new philosophy that everything doable via the GUI should be doable by blocks, I'm not sure it's all that practical.

It's hard to understand because my english is really bad, and I maybe didn't choose the good words. But with good words and concretes examples I think it wouldn't be harder than the variables or the lists. And don't worry, the news don't start to create really hard projects who need this functions.


Jwosty wrote:

Hmm... Well you can hide a sprite...  hmm

I am talking about objects. I said sprites but it's more a point on the screen. And you can't change the size on a sprite exept if you create an other costume, but it takes place and it makes you lag.

Last edited by VilceGT (2010-08-28 11:48:27)

| Turn of [...] to [...] | Time to drive | Waiting Scratch 2.0 to finish my projects |
| Sorry for my bad english, I am french |



#6 2010-08-28 11:54:20

Registered: 2009-12-19
Posts: 500+

Re: [Suggestion] Create objects

VilceGT wrote:


Jwosty wrote:

Hmm... Well you can hide a sprite...  hmm

I am talking about objects. I said sprites but it's more a point on the screen. And you can't change the size on a sprite exept if you create an other costume, but it takes place and it makes you lag.

Ohh! That's what you meant. Good idea. Also, there is a blok in the looks section called "change size by %n" Google it.  smile



#7 2010-08-29 18:11:58

Registered: 2009-02-08
Posts: 500+

Re: [Suggestion] Create objects

Cool! Then you make an object at a certain place, and you can really use a point towards X Y block!

bye 1.4, we all loved you. but we all outgrew the site. 2.0 is a welcome change.



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