Ok, so I'm trying to make a scratch programming language, I got the base running, but I want to make it so that when someone types a mistake and runs it, the screen will turn black and say error.
(i hope scratchreallyrocks comes)
Like Jwosty pointed out, it really depends on how your project is running. You could upload the project here for somebody to look at, or post the scripts here and somebody may be able to take a look and figure out how to do that.
Maybe... list all the things that it is known to the system, and do an Else: (Turn the screen black and says error.)
calebxy wrote:
Maybe... list all the things that it is known to the system, and do an Else: (Turn the screen black and says error.)
Or make a list like you said, and use this script:
if not (list) contains (answer)
switch to costume error
(put whatever else here)
It really depends how it is running.
Generally you should just make a costume in the background and when it receives the invalid code or whatever it switches to that costume.
But I can not give you the script because you have not talled us enough about what you already have.
Upload the project?