Episode 23: Sayonara.
(Sonic's house)
Sonic: Hey, Emerl! Let's play outside! I'll teach you some secret techniques!
Emerl: Play! Play!
(They leave)
(Tails arrives)
Tails: Sonic! *sigh* Sonic went to play again with Emerl... We still don't know much about him. But that doesn't matter to Sonic, I guess... I want to do more research on Emerl... But my lab computer is broken due to all the info in Emerl... Wait a second! I can do a full exam if I use the Central Lab computers! They are in the library in Central city... I better hurry!
(Tails leaves to look for Sonic)
(The park)
(Tails arrives)
Tails: Sonic! We need to take Emerl to the Central Lab!
Sonic: What? We were just getting warmed up!
Emerl: Warmed up! Warmed up!
Sonic: Yeah, come and play with us for a little while! Ready Emerl?
Emerl: Ready! Ready!
(Sonic does his sonic blast (it is like a wave on land) at Emerl, gets hit and gets flung back 20 feet. Sonic then jumps and kicks Tails in the face.)
Tails: Ugh! Sonic! Stop!
Sonic: Come on, Tails, I did not kick you that hard...
Tails: I need to take Emerl to the Central Lab!
Sonic: Don't stress so much Tails! Emerl, stop playing.
(Emerl nods, then his eyes blink once)
Tails: Sonic, come on! Sonic! I'll take him myself if I have to!
Sonic: Ok, Ok, Tails! We'll both go with you!
Tails: No, it is fine! I can take him myself! Come on Emerl!
Tails (thinking): I wonder if I can handle this without Sonic...
Tails: The lab is in Central city. Follow me closely Emerl.
Emerl: Okay! Okay!
Sonic: I'll be waiting...
(Central City)
Tails: These skyscrapers never cease to amaze me!
Emerl: Amaze! Amaze!
Tails: Heh. Come on Emerl.
(They walk up to the Central lab doors)
Tails: Here we are! Good job Emerl!
Emerl: Good Job! Good Job!
Security Guard: Hey! What are you doing here?
Tails: What?
Guard: This is a restricted area!
Tails: But... But... I have to get in here. Please let us in?
Guard: No way!
Tails: Oh, come on!
(They walk away)
Tails: What should we do Emerl?
(They start to cross the street)
(Rouge floats down from above)
Rouge: What's the matter kid?
Tails: Rouge? I thought we put you somewhere where you would not get out!
Rouge: Not good enough.
Tails: Lets go Emerl.
Rouge: You want to go in the Central Lab, right?
Tails: How do you know that?
Rouge: It is splattered all over your face. I'll let you in there if you come with me. I work for the president, you know.
Tails: That was back on Earth.
Rouge: I got hired here.
Tails: But you are always so mean! And I don't trust you!
Rouge: Fine. What if we just played a little game?...
Tails: A... Game?
Emerl: Game! Game!
Rouge: Just a little fight. If you two win, I'll let you in to the central lab. What do you say?
Tails: I suppose... Why do you want to help us out anyway?
Rouge: You little boys seemed so lost...
Tails: I don't trust you...
Rouge: Whether you do or don't, shall we begin?
Tails:.... Emerl, prepare for battle against Rouge.
Emerl: Play! Play!
(Emerl runs up and does Sonic's wave move, and knocks Rouge out)
Tails: That was easy... Emerl, stop playing.
(Emerl nods)
(Tails walks over and pulls out his revive gun, shoots Rouge, and she wakes up.)
Rouge: Huh?
Tails: We won. Get us into the central lab.
Rouge: Yes, very good... Here is my lab pass. Have fun.
Tails: Thank you.
Emerl: Thanks! Thanks!
Tails: And where are you going?
Rouge: Bye sugar!
(Rouge jumps up and flies away)
Tails: Hey! Oh, never mind. We got the lab pass, so we should get in without any difficulty.
(They head back to the Lab)
Guard: You again! How many times do I have to...
Tails: I... I have this...
Guard: Y... You are a friend of Ms. R... Rouge? I'm really sorry! Please come in!
Tails: Yes! Lets go Emerl!
Emerl: Lets go! Lets go!
(They enter and go the computers)
Tails: O.k, it's time to find out who you really are, Emerl! Let's examine your structural data...
Emerl: ???
Tails: Who your creator is, what you were created for, etc. I am just going to plug this in right here... All right. Scanning structure!
Computer Screen: ... Scanning...
Tails: Man, I would love to have one of these computers.
Computer Screen: Error! Unable to access any data...
Tails: What? How come? This computer should be able to scan all machines... Time to get serious. Let me go through a security hole this time and... Bypass the security protocols to get an idea of his structure.
Computer screen: ... Scanning............ Warning! Highly confidential! Unknown item identified. This weapon was discovered in the ancient ruins. Identified as "Gizoid"
Tails: Huh? What does this have to do with ancient ruins?
Screen: Technique to acquire all forms of weaponry is based on super science technology... This process has no apparent limitations and will continue to loop indefinitely.
Tails: It can't be...
Screen: However, in repeated experiments, the continual feed of data has caused an over load, resulting in the subject going out of control.
Screen: Experiments preformed by Professor Gerald... Sealed off by government... disappearance...
Tails: That is Eggman's Grandfather...
Screen: Originally programmed as a weapon, later changed by Professor Gerald to help the world...
Emerl: .............
Tails: Emerl... you... are one crazy robot....
Emerl: .........
Tails: Let's get out of here...
(Out side)
(There are about 20 Guard robos out side)
Tails: Aaaah! What are they there for?
Speakerphone: Be on the look out for people coming out of the Central lab. They have been accessing restricted data!
Tails: Oh...
(One robo turns around)
Robo: There they are!
Tails: Aaaah! Emerl, get ready for battle!
Emerl: Play time!
(Emerl does one of the sonic waves and destroys about 15 of them. Tails winds up a little toy, it travels over to the other five. One robot picks it up, and it explodes, destroying the 5 robots with it.)
Tails: Wow, Emerl! You are really strong! Come on, let's escape through the back streets!
Emerl: Escape! Escape!
(Space colony ARK2)
(Shadow is playing tag with Maria and Light.)
Shadow (thinking): I have finally gotten Maria back! I am so happy! I wish this would never end.
(Professor Gerald walks into the room)
Gerald: O.k, Maria, you have to go to sleep now.
Maria: O.k.
Shadow (thinking): Good thing I got a room right next to Maria, so both me and Light will be able to rescue her if something bad happens.
(That night)
------------------------------------------------ Author's note-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Winner or TDWfan, or what ever: If people want me not to do what I am about to do in 39 lines, tell me. This plays a major roll in my story.
(Shadow is sleeping in a bed)
(Suddenly, there is a loud crash coming from the other side of the humungous (?) space station.)
Shadow: Aaah!
(He rushes over to Maria's room)
Shadow: Maria! Are you all right?
Maria: Yes...
Speaker: Everyone get out! We are...
(Goes to the main control room where Professor Gerald is. He is speaking into a microphone.)
Gerald: Under attack! Everyone go to the shuttles immediately (?)!
(Suddenly the doors blast open. You cannot see who did it, though)
???: Put down the microphone.
Gerald (into microphone): GET OUT NO*
(A red beam hits him)
(He slumps to the floor)
(Back to Maria's room)
Shadow: We need to get out of here! Light!
Light (running in from his room): Present!
Shadow: Let's go!
(They run out)
(Somewhere in the hallway)
Shadow: Come on!
(Suddenly a red beam hits the wall next to Light.)
(Light starts to look back)
Shadow: Don't look back! Just keep running!
(Escape pod room)
(They run in)
(Shadow just happens to be standing by the first escape pod. Maria happens to be standing by the controls. Light is standing by the door way.)
Shadow: Maria! You first!
Light: Ugh!
(He slumps down to the floor)
Maria: Light!
(Maria shoves Shadow in the escape pod)
(The beach, Mobius)
(Sonic is lying on the beach, looking up at the sky. You can still hear the Shadow part though.)
Shadow: No Maria! Don't! I know what you are about to do!
???: Get away from there!
Maria (whispers): Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.
Shadow: NO!
(Tails runs over to Sonic with Emerl following close behind)
Tails: Sonic!
Sonic: Yeah?
(He sits up)
Tails: I have to tell you something!
Sonic: What is it buddy?
Tails: Emerl.... how do I put it?...
Sonic: Yeah?
Tails: Emerl... is a weapon.
Sonic: What?
Tails: Before Chris found Emerl's programming now, Emerl was programmed to be a weapon. Eggman’s grandfather found him, and he gave Emerl the same thing he gave Shadow: a "heart". So he programmed over the programming. That means Emerl could go bad on us at any time now.
Sonic:... Well then, we should make sure that does not happen. Maybe if we get all five power gems, we can get rid of his weapon capabilities.
Tails: It's worth a try.
(Eggman's base, Control room)
(Eggman is sitting in his chair)
Eggman: Aaah. Life is good. I have all of the power of the chaos emeralds in my super robot, which is looking for Sonic and his little friends. Now Sonic can not use that power any more........ I will soon rule the universe!
(Suddenly, there is a big crash from some where in the building.)
(Eggman falls out of his chair)
Eggman: What was that?
(He runs out of the room)
(Chaos Emerald room)
(Eggman runs in)
(The machine that used to hold the chaos emeralds is toast and the chaos emeralds are missing.
Eggman: Aaaah! Where are the chaos emeralds?!
(Suddenly they drop through the hole in the ceiling that the robot had made earlier still with out color.)
Eggman: Huh?
(Suddenly, you hear a big explosion)
Eggman: Aaah!
(He runs out)
(Eggman runs in)
(He jumps in his little hover craft and pushes a button)
???: Wait for us!
(Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun are running towards Eggman)
Eggman: Hurry!
(They jump in)
(Another explosion)
Everyone: Aaaah!
(Eggamn presses another button, which opens the hanger doors.)
Decoe: Get us out of here!
(They fly out just as the building collapses)
(Somewhere high above in the clouds)
(You can only hear the person's voice)
???: Well, now that the 7 chaos emeralds have been drained, I don't know how I will take over the world. But I will find a way. Somehow, someway. I will win.
(The clouds part a little bit, showing you his blue shoes.)
Episode 24: Lucky.
(Space above Earth 50 years ago)
(Shadow is falling in his capsule. He is sitting on the floor, motionless.)
Shadow (thinking): ..... I let it happen again.... why me? Maria.... Maria...
(A sudden jolt throws Shadow to the ceiling, causing him to hit his head, and go back down)
Shadow (rubbing his head): Ow...
(The pod door opens)
(Shadow finds him self in the 60's with people looking at him.)
Shadow: This is not the earth I know... I wonder what has become of the time machine...
(One person in the crowd points up and yells...)
Person: Look! Another one is coming down!
(Shadow looks up with hope, only to see that it was the time machine, not another capsule.)
(The time machine lands with a thud, scaring most of the people. Shadow gets in, sets it for the present day mobius, and starts it up)
(Place where Gary is staying and Shadow used to be staying)
(Gary is sleeping. The time machine enters)
O.O Nazo's return???
ElectricSparx wrote:
O.O Nazo's return???
Gary the hedgehog wrote:
If you say anything else, you may have to be... eliminated
Winner wrote:
ElectricSparx wrote:
O.O Nazo's return???
Gary the hedgehog wrote:
If you say anything else, you may have to be... eliminated
I don't THINK so, Gary the Hedgehog! IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR!!!! *shoops Gary* XD
ElectricSparx wrote:
Winner wrote:
ElectricSparx wrote:
O.O Nazo's return???
Gary the hedgehog wrote:
If you say anything else, you may have to be... eliminated
I don't THINK so, Gary the Hedgehog! IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR!!!! *shoops Gary* XD
Gary the Hedgehog wrote:
Miss, anyway.
As in I vomit a laser moving faster than light, typically annihilating the victim.
ElectricSparx wrote:
As in I vomit a laser moving faster than light, typically annihilating the victim.
Ooh, annihilating!
Storm and Glow wrote:
Break it up!
Winner wrote:
ElectricSparx wrote:
As in I vomit a laser moving faster than light, typically annihilating the victim.
Ooh, annihilating!
Storm and Glow wrote:
Break it up!
I don't lay off easy without a fight. Besides, I don't even know you.
digikids wrote:
<when green flag clicked>
<say[ That's a lot of scripts! ]>
<wait( 3234 )secsc>
<say[ ]>
<set size to( 0 )%>
<say[ meep ]for( 34 )secs>
Please no spam.
Gary The Hedgehog wrote:
Or you will have to be... eliminated.
Sonic X is no longer going to continue. Please sign this petition if you want Sonic X to continue!
This means a lot to mean. If you spread the word to other Sonic fans, that would be GREAT. (Please do not mark this spam)
does any one know how to post videos on scratch? cuz i have seen 'squidward falls while playing unnfitting music' how do you post a video? (dont do youtube cuz i am banned from tht)
PW132 wrote:
Winner wrote:
NESWario wrote:
cw4kids is making a new season ( saw commercial )
Really? Really?! REALLYYYYYYYY?!!!!!!
Why not?
Winner wrote:
PW132 wrote:
Winner wrote:
Why not?