Been thinking about an open challenge where people download a sprite (so everyone has the same) and then script it in such a way that when two peoples individual sprites are loaded into the same game, they battle to the death without any additional human input.
Clearly there would have to be rules/standards about how much damage they do/recieve, and all variables would have to be sprite-specific.
Anyone have any ideas about how we could set this up?
wow, that's a really good idea!
At first blush, I could see making the game control the action, and each sprite just responds to messages like <When I receive DoNextTurn> or <When I Receive Initialize>.
I have to go, but I LOVE that idea, and would interested in helping, if you'd like.
I had a similar idea - I wanted my pupils to design a car or plane or boat (or anything really) and then import it into a project, run the the simulation and see what the outcome was.
(A non-violent version of your idea :-) )
Maybe just start off your project by making simple bots that can start off at bottom left or top right and try to find each other.
Then add a prod sticking out on each one at the front and see if the sprites can make the prod hit a vunerable part of the other one (make vunerable spots a unique colour).
The introduce differnet types of "prod" that inflict different damage. Damage slows down ability of sprite to move/turn.
The max movement/turning per turn should be governed by the size of the bot - just decide some rules (50x50 - max movement 20, max direction change 45 degrees - 100x100 - max movement 10, max direction change 20 degrees - just examples)
Each player would have to build these rules into their bot.
Just ideas
The interesting thing is that all detection would have to be by colour sensing, which would be a challenge. THink I'd probably make a square arena with different coloured walls, though, so the bot could tell where it was when it reached a wall.
OK: Contest is go! Rules are here:
Started trying out a few things - came across a helpful debugging method
I put
Wait <mouse y/100> secs
in my loop
this lets you vary the speed of the action - makes it easy to make things fast until robots are approaching a descision and then slow to see what happens.
Just brain-storming at the moment - I think the sprite being hit needs to signal that its been hit in a vunerable place - the stage could run a master control script (MCS) that decides what to do.
So if sprite detects another sprite collision - broadcasts this - all bots temp halt- MCS issues a check collision to all bots - all bots do a damage assesment (they could have both run into each others prods) then they all carry on.
Maybe better for MCS to issue "next move broadcasts" - then each sprite moves - checks for collision with other bot - broadcasts hit - etc etc
That's just like RoboCode! You can download it at