Excuse me if this is in the wrong section. I made a picture of a character(it's a surprise who) with a closed mouth and made it sprite1. Then I altered it to have its mouth be open, and saved it as sprite2. I took the default sound "join us" and made the character open its mouth while saying it and then close it after a second. The script looked something like this:
<play sound[join_us]>
<switch to costume[sprite2]>
<switch to costume[sprite1]>
It changes the costume for 1 second, as I instructed it to do, but it doesn't make any noise. Any ideas what's going on and how to fix it?
Oops. My blocks got messed up. I used the tags, but it didn't work. Here it is, but still kind of weird.
<when[ sprite1 ]clicked>
<play sound[ join_us
<switch to costume[ sprite2
<wait(1 second
<switch to costume[ sprite1
And other sounds are working on your computer?
Ace-of-Spades wrote:
And other sounds are working on your computer?
Yeah, they are.
Okay, I figured it out. I added "change volume by 100", if you're curious. I have another question now, and since I started this topic already I might as well ask it here instead of making another. I decided that instead of making him do something when I click on him, I will make a button that makes him do what I want instead. But I'm not sure how to connect them so "Sprite2" can make "Sprite1" do something.
Does the sprite running that script have their volume full and actually have the sound in their sound section?
For the button, use this:
When [button] clicked broadcast click
And for your original sprite, use this:
When I receive [click] play sound join_us switch to costume 2 wait 1 sec switch to costume 1
The button will "tell" the other sprite when it is clicked, so it can activate the original script.
I already got it. Good advice, but it's already done. I still want to know how to make a button that makes another sprite change.
Oops, I was slow, thanks Harakou. It works.
Okay, I have yet another issue, relating to sound again. I wanted to use my voice for something, so I asked my mom for her headset. I kept getting static no matter what. I decided to ask my dad if I could try his, and he let me. I got static yet again, no matter what I did. Both headsets work fine on their respective computers, but neither work on mine. What should I do?
Scratch's mic support (and sound support in general) is very buggy and doesn't work very often. I recommend using Audacity to record your sound and then import it into Scratch. Try exporting it as a WAV format first, and if that doesn't work, try MP3.