There is a Suggestions section, next time, put stuff like this there, ok?
Actually, I'm pretty sure that this is the right place to ask about any "how to" related scripting questions.
As usual, I recommend first making a project where you attempt this on your own. Upload the project, post a link to it here, and then you will get better responses tailored to your needs.
For example, "bounce" is not a specific term. Bounce how? And how do the sprites interact, are they both characters in a game, is one a character and the other a wall, do they both move and if so how fast, etc etc?
I can move this to the Suggestions forum for you. There's also a website here where you can make suggestions and other people can vote on them.
Paddle2See wrote:
I can move this to the Suggestions forum for you. There's also a website here where you can make suggestions and other people can vote on them.
I don't think it's a suggestion- he appears to be asking how you make this script, not suggesting a block that does this.
Are you using velocity in your game?
[if <touching sprite [____]>]
[] [Turn [180] ]
Its as simple as that to make