Scratch Team, maybe on the website, when you create a gallery, would it be possible to set more specific limits to users posting their projects on your galleries? For example:
Say a user starts spamming and over-posts in your gallery and won't stop? You should be able to set specific limits... like: This user can only post a maximum of 4 projects in this gallery. Or... This user is banned from this gallery.
Or, say I want to make a gallery where only Joeyman, DJBlais, and Bluestribute can post their projects. So, I could set it so only those three people could post there, and no one else. Could these features be possible in the future?
Please respond,
Last edited by joeyman (2008-07-09 10:34:05)
This actually would be very helpful Scratch Team. Think about it
Yes that would be quite an instresting ability!
I just thought about all the spamming in galleries that happens and it forces people to close their galleries to others... it makes me SO mad!
Last edited by joeyman (2008-07-09 11:00:34)
joeyman wrote:
Scratch Team, maybe on the website, when you create a gallery, would it be possible to set more specific limits to users posting their projects on your galleries? For example:
Say a user starts spamming and over-posts in your gallery and won't stop? You should be able to set specific limits... like: This user can only post a maximum of 4 projects in this gallery. Or... This user is banned from this gallery.
Or, say I want to make a gallery where only Joeyman, DJBlais, and Bluestribute can post their projects. So, I could set it so only those three people could post there, and no one else. Could these features be possible in the future?
Please respond,
You can make is so only certain friends can add. Go to change who can add projects and select them.
Yes, I would have to agree greatly. Some people (you may remain nameless and we get on with our lives no harm done) abused my publicity gallery by adding ALL their projects. I had to delete it because of this. No other projects could get views. So, this suggestion would be great, as well as being able to delete multiple pages or projects to speed that process up
Yeah, I hate it when people do that! It's a good idea, the Scratch Team should take it into consideration!
.( ) ( )
(^_^) You get a bunny (I did the best I could)
( ) ( )
(_) (_)
Last edited by joeyman (2008-07-14 09:48:40)