… when you strive for the 100th post on a topic
You know your addicted to scratch when you yell at your parents but before you say:
<play sound[
Then you run out of breath and say:
<stop all sounds>
A few minutes later you get tired and say:
<stop all>
Last edited by newareagle (2008-06-30 21:17:54)
You know you are addicted to scratch when your brain works like this [blocks]
<move( 10 )steps>
<if><touching[ fire
<move( 25 )steps>
<turn cw( 10 )degrees>
...when you make a thread thats called "You know you are addicted to scratch when..."
bigBsaid: you know you're addicted to scratch when you look at a cat and think 'why is it not in the rampant position?'
. . . when you see that you posted a comment on the forums 8 hours ago.
. . . when you go to an art gallery and wonder why the art doesn't move.
. . . when you introduce yourself with your scratch username
Hey i introduded me to someone using my scratch username once by mistake..lol i guess i AM addicted to scratch
when you get bullied for not moving due to no "Motion Blocks"
this is how you go somewhere:<point towards( destination)<if><touching[ destination]<stop all><else><move( 10 )steps><end>
You know you're addicted to Scratch when a therapist shows you an ink blot on a piece of paper... and when he asks you what you see, you say something Scratch-related for every one.
Bobby500 wrote:
...when you make a thread thats called "You know you are addicted to scratch when..."
Hey, this is a good topic!
this kinda reminds me of a gamespot topic (you know you watch to much naruto when). you draw blocks on a peice of paper programming you to do the everyday task.
You know you are addicted to scratch when you are playing a game of pool, and someone yells out "thats a scratch" and you think "We don't own a cat?!?!?!?"
You know your addicted to scratch when you wake up in the morn with your alarm going of, and then you go to your computer, open up scratch, and press reset timer.
you know your addicted to scratch when you carry a pc to school
you know youre addicted to scratch when for a talent show you state all 165,000 scratch members names backwards
zachandrew0123 wrote:
you know youre addicted to scratch when for a talent show you state all 165,000 scratch members names backwards
I do that ONE time and now no one lets me live it down
Bluestribute wrote:
zachandrew0123 wrote:
you know youre addicted to scratch when for a talent show you state all 165,000 scratch members names backwards
I do that ONE time and now no one lets me live it down
i still think this should be deleted because its off-topic....
...If you talk about scratch to all your mates they make accounts too to stop you bugging them XP
...you have all the members as your friends XD
Last edited by registeel (2008-07-18 12:36:17)
you no ur adddicted to scratch when u see in ur mind how u could make the video game ur playin as a scratch project.
bosox397 wrote:
you no ur adddicted to scratch when u see in ur mind how u could make the video game ur playin as a scratch project.
Happened to me DOEZENS OF TIMES.