LS97 wrote:
why bump, jwosty?
Why not bump?
well what's the point of bumping this old thread? there's no questions you need answered.
*BUMP* :p
LS97 wrote:
well what's the point of bumping this old thread? there's no questions you need answered.
*BUMP* :p
Ooopps... I guess I'm just used to bumping threads in the missalanious and TBG Forumas...
PS: I won't be working on Blocktalk for a while because I'll be out of town until Sunday night.
Jwosty wrote:
LS97 wrote:
well what's the point of bumping this old thread? there's no questions you need answered.
*BUMP* :pOoopps... I guess I'm just used to bumping threads in the missalanious and TBG Forumas...
PS: I won't be working on Blocktalk for a while because I'll be out of town until Sunday night.
Thats just 2 days, not a while.
@LS97 Well... I geuss you want pople to know about it and give there feedback on the idea.
Great news, everybody!!
I finally got the seperate scripting panes working! They just lead to different scripting areas for the same sprite but they work! Now, I have to build the class and instance coding frame. YAY!!
pwiter wrote:
elseI think?
No, that's not what I mean, and an if statement might look like this anyway:
(score = 100) ifTrue: [self forward: 10.] ifFalse: [self forward: 1.].
And I mean like the Scratch boolean Block "< <> or <> >"
JwTest wrote:
pwiter wrote:
elseI think?
No, that's not what I mean, and an if statement might look like this anyway:
(score = 100) ifTrue: [self forward: 10.] ifFalse: [self forward: 1.].And I mean like the Scratch boolean Block "< <> or <> >"
That i don't know
pwiter wrote:
JwTest wrote:
And I mean like the Scratch boolean Block "< <> or <> >"
That i don't know
Nevermind! I figured it out:
((score = 10) or: [score = -10]) ifTrue: [self forward: 10] ifFalse: [self forward: -10].
Or you can use the infix "|" operator
something | something
The advantage of the #or: and #and: messages is that you can make one condition only be evaluated if another is true, so if I wasn't sure if something score exists, I could write:
((something respondsTo: #score) and: [something score > 250])
Last edited by nXIII (2010-08-20 14:48:04)
nXIII wrote:
Or you can use the infix "|" operator
something | something)
The advantage of the #or: and #and: messages is that you can make one condition only be evaluated if another is true, so if I wasn't sure if something score exists, I could write:Code:
((something respondsTo: #score) and: [something score > 250])
Cool! That might come in handy sometime.
I'm really looking forward to this mod.
Hmm... I've seem to run into another problem!
The Instance Scripts pane won't evaluate the blocks in it. I built the pane by adding another instance variable to the ScriptableScratchMorph called "instanceBlocksBin", and in initialize I added
self instanceBlocksBin := ScratchScriptsMorph new.
and changed the method in:
Scratch-UI-Panes >> ScratchScriptEditorMorph >> accessing >> category:
currentCategory: aString | xOffset | currentCategory _ aString. self target ifNil: [^ self]. xOffset _ 0. World activeHand newKeyboardFocus: nil. currentCategory = 'Scripts' ifTrue: [ pageViewerMorph contents: self target blocksBin]. currentCategory = 'Costumes' ifTrue: [ pageViewerMorph contents: (self target costumesPage: xOffset)]. currentCategory = 'Sounds' ifTrue: [ pageViewerMorph contents: (self target soundsPage: xOffset)]. pageViewerMorph contents color: ScratchFrameMorph scriptsPaneColor. self world ifNotNil: [self world startSteppingSubmorphsOf: pageViewerMorph contents].
currentCategory: aString | xOffset | currentCategory _ aString. self target ifNil: [^ self]. xOffset _ 0. World activeHand newKeyboardFocus: nil. currentCategory = 'Class Scripts' ifTrue: [ pageViewerMorph contents: self target blocksBin]. currentCategory = 'Instance Scripts' ifTrue: [ pageViewerMorph contents: self target instanceBlocksBin]. currentCategory = 'Costumes' ifTrue: [ pageViewerMorph contents: (self target costumesPage: xOffset)]. currentCategory = 'Sounds' ifTrue: [ pageViewerMorph contents: (self target soundsPage: xOffset)]. pageViewerMorph contents color: ScratchFrameMorph scriptsPaneColor. self world ifNotNil: [self world startSteppingSubmorphsOf: pageViewerMorph contents].
Anyone have any idea to fix this? Help would be appriciated!
Jwosty wrote:
ScratchReallyROCKS wrote:
Cool! This is bound to be different than all the other mods. Can I be a beta tester? I'm not exactly the best programmer.
Sure! Do you know a good programmer that could help me?
Curious, how do you intend to design this so that users not yet familiar with Squeak (like myself) can learn Squeak? Are class/instance scripts the only way, or will there be more?
I think I will have just 2 categories, classes and instances for scripts. See, Smalltalk (you call it Squeak) is like the real world. For example, there are 'classes' witch is like all the computers that exist now. Instances are like an individual car, like that red one on Main street.
I will have a pdf file that comes with Scratchtalk and it will help you understand how to use the program.![]()
can i have the link to download?
If it's not too late, I think you should base this of of BYOB3. It's basically already object-oriented. The only thing it's missing is making the sprites object-oriented.
Last edited by rubiks_cube_guy238 (2010-08-26 16:33:51)
Will you notify me on my reese-o acc when its done!
rubiks_cube_guy238 wrote:
If it's not too late, I think you should base this of of BYOB3. It's basically already object-oriented. The only thing it's missing is making the sprites object-oriented.
i already have byob