pwiter wrote:
I got a new block
Instance ops:Code:
| dialogBox | dialogBox _ DialogBoxMorph new. dialogBox title: t1. dialogBox withButtonsForYes: false no: false okay: true cancel: false. dialogBox message: t2. dialogBox getUserResponse.Blockspecs
('show dialog titled %s with contents %s' #- #showDialogTitle:Contents: 'info' 'hello')Copyright pwitter 2010
COPYRIGHT!!! How could you have copyrighted it??? Or did you just say that so people wouldn't steal it? :s One or the other because copyrighting is harder than you think...
(P.S. Hope I don't sound angry! )
Last edited by sonicjosh (2010-08-18 15:25:02)
LS97 wrote:
TheSuccessor wrote:
Can anybody explain the Execution Engine? It just seems to push and pop stack frames. Is pushing and popping the same thing JavaScript does to arrays?
that would be something nice ² explain. i never get it either.
Do you know how to make the set/change blur effect to/by n?
sonicjosh wrote:
pwiter wrote:
I got a new block
Instance ops:Code:
| dialogBox | dialogBox _ DialogBoxMorph new. dialogBox title: t1. dialogBox withButtonsForYes: false no: false okay: true cancel: false. dialogBox message: t2. dialogBox getUserResponse.Blockspecs
('show dialog titled %s with contents %s' #- #showDialogTitle:Contents: 'info' 'hello')Copyright pwitter 2010
COPYRIGHT!!! How could you have copyrighted it??? Or did you just say that so people wouldn't steal it? :s One or the other because copyrighting is harder than you think...
(P.S. Hope I don't sound angry!)
Try saying that to ls97
Last edited by pwiter (2010-08-19 08:24:50)
kinker wrote:
Do you know how to make the set/change blur effect to/by n?
that's explained somewhere in the first 3 pages
LS97 wrote:
randalpik wrote:
I can't figure out how to make the Graphic effect reporter block... can someone help?
Here it is just quickly. i've got hw to do now!
getEffect: t1 filterPack ifNil: [^ 0]. 'blur' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack blur]. 'brightness' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack brightnessShift]. 'fisheye' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack fisheye]. 'color' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack hueShift]. 'colour' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack hueShift]. 'mosaic' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack mosaicCount]. 'pixelate' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack pixelateCount]. 'pointillize' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack pointillizeSize]. 'saturation' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack saturationShift]. 'transparency' = t1 | ('ghost' = t1) ifTrue: [^ self transparency]. 'whirl' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack whirl]Hope it helps.
What about the block spec?
kinker wrote:
LS97 wrote:
randalpik wrote:
I can't figure out how to make the Graphic effect reporter block... can someone help?
Here it is just quickly. i've got hw to do now!
getEffect: t1 filterPack ifNil: [^ 0]. 'blur' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack blur]. 'brightness' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack brightnessShift]. 'fisheye' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack fisheye]. 'color' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack hueShift]. 'colour' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack hueShift]. 'mosaic' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack mosaicCount]. 'pixelate' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack pixelateCount]. 'pointillize' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack pointillizeSize]. 'saturation' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack saturationShift]. 'transparency' = t1 | ('ghost' = t1) ifTrue: [^ self transparency]. 'whirl' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack whirl]Hope it helps.
What about the block spec?
it should be
('graphic effect %s' r getEffect: 'blur')
Not source
('graphic effect %s' #r #getEffect: 'blur')
johnnydean1 wrote:
kinker wrote:
LS97 wrote:
Here it is just quickly. i've got hw to do now!Code:
getEffect: t1 filterPack ifNil: [^ 0]. 'blur' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack blur]. 'brightness' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack brightnessShift]. 'fisheye' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack fisheye]. 'color' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack hueShift]. 'colour' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack hueShift]. 'mosaic' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack mosaicCount]. 'pixelate' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack pixelateCount]. 'pointillize' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack pointillizeSize]. 'saturation' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack saturationShift]. 'transparency' = t1 | ('ghost' = t1) ifTrue: [^ self transparency]. 'whirl' = t1 ifTrue: [^ filterPack whirl]Hope it helps.
What about the block spec?
it should be
('graphic effect %s' r getEffect: 'blur')
Not source
('graphic effect %s' #r #getEffect: 'blur')
Never mind.
Whats the beep block spec and the code to work the beep block?
kinker wrote:
Whats the beep block spec and the code to work the beep block?
spec: ('beep' - doBeep)
self beep
johnnydean1 wrote:
kinker wrote:
What about the block spec?
it should be
('graphic effect %s' r getEffect: 'blur')
Not source
('graphic effect %s' #r #getEffect: 'blur')
%g is better than %s. It gives a menu with the graphic effect names.
TheSuccessor wrote:
johnnydean1 wrote:
kinker wrote:
What about the block spec?
it should be
('graphic effect %s' r getEffect: 'blur')
Not source
('graphic effect %s' #r #getEffect: 'blur')%g is better than %s. It gives a menu with the graphic effect names.
I know I was tring to rember what the graphic effects names letter was!
johnnydean1 wrote:
TheSuccessor wrote:
johnnydean1 wrote:
it should be
('graphic effect %s' r getEffect: 'blur')
Not source
('graphic effect %s' #r #getEffect: 'blur')%g is better than %s. It gives a menu with the graphic effect names.
I know I was tring to rember what the graphic effects names letter was!
if you have any doubts next time, first of all there's a list on the first page and you can always check under commandblockmorph's uncoloredargmorphfor: method
LS97 wrote:
johnnydean1 wrote:
TheSuccessor wrote:
%g is better than %s. It gives a menu with the graphic effect names.
I know I was tring to rember what the graphic effects names letter was!
if you have any doubts next time, first of all there's a list on the first page and you can always check under commandblockmorph's uncoloredargmorphfor: method
Ok thanks, but I was working from memory!
LS97 wrote:
kinker wrote:
Whats the beep block spec and the code to work the beep block?
spec: ('beep' - doBeep)
self beep
Not much of a beep but thanks! I have 6 blocks now!
TheSuccessor wrote:
Joeman592 wrote:
roger- wrote:
here's a good exponent block. put it under operators.
exp: t1 raisedTo: t2 | t3 | t3 _ t1 raisedTo: t2. ^ t3But there isn't an operators... and if there is PLEASE TELL ME CUZ I CANT FIND IT! please? Also, please tell me if it goes in string.
Operators is the new name for numbers in 1.4
What about the block spec?
kinker wrote:
TheSuccessor wrote:
Joeman592 wrote:
But there isn't an operators... and if there is PLEASE TELL ME CUZ I CANT FIND IT! please? Also, please tell me if it goes in string.Operators is the new name for numbers in 1.4
What about the block spec?=|
It would be: ('%n ^ %n' #r #exp:raisedTo:)
zorket wrote:
I want the challenge for time block!
i already posted it somewhere. can't find it anymore.
try adapting this one:
at bottom of this page
LS97 wrote:
The string control blocks
these are requested blocks, so i'll get to it immidiately.
i can't really guarantee 'cause this is off the top of my head...
add to blockSpecs under operators: ('reverse %s' #r #rev:)
add to code under string ops:Code:
rev: t1 ^ t1 reversedTHE LOWERCASE/UPPERCASE
please note that i put this once only (for lowercase). just change all the 'lower' to 'upper' for uppercase. (duh)
put in blockSpecs: ('%s lowercase' #r #lowercase:)
put in code under string ops:Code:
lowercase: t1 ^ t1 asLowercasethere you go!
I needed this! Thank you!
<< <not> >>
Last edited by zorket (2010-08-25 18:36:03)
pwiter wrote:
I got a new block
Instance ops:Code:
| dialogBox | dialogBox _ DialogBoxMorph new. dialogBox title: t1. dialogBox withButtonsForYes: false no: false okay: true cancel: false. dialogBox message: t2. dialogBox getUserResponse.Blockspecs
('show dialog titled %s with contents %s' #- #showDialogTitle:Contents: 'info' 'hello')Copyright pwitter 2010
*Laughs* Wow.
1: You can't copyright something that was made before you, and probably where you got it from.
2: I see no credit to Scratch or Squeak
3: You can't copyright it because you never asked the Scratch team. It's as if you are claiming the "building blocks" programming, the block process, and the dialog process.
4: You didn't even wright the copyright notice correctly.