My son started a summer camp today that focuses on Scratch. He is having a lot of fun, so I downloaded it to take a look. After playing around with it for a while I decided to open some sample projects. The first project I tried was PacMan, and it did not really work.
The basic problem is that the mazes have been through a lossy compressor so the green path is actually all splotchy. I noticed that the paint bucket tool is tolerant, so filling on a gradient band fills adjacent bands as well. Some tolerance for the "color [] is touching []?" would fix the problem with PacMan and probably other uses of the same sense tool.
I took a screenshot of the level 2 maze and used an eyedropper on it. The screenshot was on a mac, so there is probably a little variation for color correction, but the green background is visibly splotchy. The range of values for the background green was as follows:
red: 0-10
green: 199-208
blue: 57-78
There seem to be three easy choices. Make the current tool (more) tolerant, make a new tolerant tool, or use a less lossy image compressor. My vote would be for making the current tool tolerant, or more tolerant if it already is.
I noticed that its so annoying! but in 1.2 its okay!