because we make it so.
Oh yeah.
I've only just realised the sense in leaving them visible.
Ive know that for ages. You have to hack to open up a browser then find the pass. Easy.
That's what I did.
I would like a drop-down menu for the date block plz. How?
Lellowsfuzz wrote:
I would like a drop-down menu for the date block plz. How?
I think there's a tutorial earlier in this topic somewhere.
Last edited by TheSuccessor (2010-08-15 15:45:51)
(index of %s in %L) would be useful. Could anybody do it?
Thanks nXIII.
randalpik wrote:
LS97 wrote:
randalpik wrote:
EDIT: I can't seem to make a "clone" block work, can anyone help?
it's simple!
add this code:Code:
cloneAndSend: t1 | t2 t3 | (t2 _ self ownerThatIsA: ScratchFrameMorph) ifNil: [^ self]. t3 _ self fullCopy. t3 objName: objName , ' clone'. t3 isClone: true. t3 blocksBin allMorphsDo: [:t4 | (t4 isKindOf: BlockMorph) ifTrue: [t4 stop]]. t2 workPane addMorph: t3. t3 eventReceived: (ScratchEvent new name: t1 asString argument: 0)i'm not sure though
That's already in ScratchSpriteMorph. Besides, it says "incorrect number of arguments."
The | t2 t3 | should be | t2 t3 t4 |. That's what I think.
I think it might be that in the code it needs an argument to be sent and stored under t1.
However if you are just doing a block with no arguments it will throw an error. You need to delete the ": t1" from the end, add t1 to the list of temporary variables and enter "t1 _ 'cloneCreated'." (without the quotes) as a line of code somewhere before the last line.
Can anybody explain the Execution Engine? It just seems to push and pop stack frames. Is pushing and popping the same thing JavaScript does to arrays?
rdococ wrote:
randalpik wrote:
That's already in ScratchSpriteMorph. Besides, it says "incorrect number of arguments."
The | t2 t3 | should be | t2 t3 t4 |. That's what I think.
no way! t4 is aready declared afterwards in the do: [:t4 | etc. bit
TheSuccessor wrote:
Can anybody explain the Execution Engine? It just seems to push and pop stack frames. Is pushing and popping the same thing JavaScript does to arrays?
that would be something nice ² explain. i never get it either.
I think from a lot of staring confused at my laptop that there is a 'stack frame' for each block and lots of 'stack frames' (i.e. a script) makes a 'stack'. Each 'stack frame' has an instance variable called 'parentFrame' that is set to the previous 'stack frame'.
However, everything else is extremely confusing and some of or all that I've just said could be wrong.
right... that didn't really help much
if i were to have programmed scratch i wouldn't have done it this way
LS97 wrote:
The link block
Ok, finally some time to add the greatest block of all. the block links the user to a webpage, program or file as long as the path or URL is given. add in the blockspecs in the control section some kind of block code (choose whatever you want, you know how to do it). and add in the corresponding instance ops:Code:
Cursor wait showWhile: [ScratchPlugin primOpenURL: t1]So little code for such a great block... and remember to click accept!
I'm having trouble setting up this block. I am sorry if I'm interrupting anything. =3
Here is the attempted block spec I used:
('link to %s' #- #linkTo)
And here is the instance ops (I placed it in "string ops" if that matters).
linkTo: t1 Cursor wait showWhile: [ScratchPlugin primOpenURL: t1]
I have no clue what I'm doing right. Now, does this code, whenever activated, force open the website specified? Oh and my bad for not searching through 37 pages of responces to see if this was not possible or already solved.
Is it possible to make, "say, "Visit [link]" with the [link] as a hyperlinked text? Or probably able to do: Say, "Join [insert text I want] [link]"?
Thanks for your help, whether it works or not.
yes, it is possible. i remember there's a url morph somwhere in the squeak codes. but i'm not sure where and it"s certainly not possible right now. for now, the say bubbles (for example) can only say plain text. you would have to do some serious coding.
you're welcome
I got a new block
Instance ops:
| dialogBox | dialogBox _ DialogBoxMorph new. dialogBox title: t1. dialogBox withButtonsForYes: false no: false okay: true cancel: false. dialogBox message: t2. dialogBox getUserResponse.
('show dialog titled %s with contents %s' #- #showDialogTitle:Contents: 'info' 'hello')
Copyright pwitter 2010
try looking back on this thread. there's a block that does EXACTLY the same thing as yours.
(copyright busted)
DialogBoxMorph inform: t1 title: t2