How was your 4th of July (American Independence Day)? What'd you do? Was it fun? Here's my 4th of July:
I woke up late, and got a call from my friend to go to the Denver Outlaws game. So, we went downtown and saw Hancock first, than headed up to the meeting spot. The Outlaws beat San Francisco 10-9, which was awesome. Than they had fireworks, except had a delay because some stands caught on fire. During that, people took out their cell phones and waved them like lighters. Than they started up the fireworks again. Afterwards, I found out my other friend got to go on the field, sign autographs, and watch fireworks with Sonke and Langtry, some of the best players. Now I really do hate him cause I aint him And he got some used Gatorade towels and a signed lacrosse ball (I already got one though ). So, how was yours?
P.S. I couldn't find the Scratch book so I can't tell you who it was aimed at and stuff
Nice! How was hancock? I lit my own fireworks!
I live in UK
Last edited by registeel (2008-07-05 09:32:43)
registeel wrote:
I live in UK
Than you missed an awesome night!
And Bobby500, Hancock was O.K., not as funny as you would expect it, but it was still good.
Last edited by Bluestribute (2008-07-05 10:13:06)
My $th was same-same. All my friends were at a party, but my parents made me stay at my house. We stayed up past 1:00, me and my brother were playing basketball outside and screaming enough to all most wake the neighborhood up. You know.
The usual.
fullmoon wrote:
Went to some historic monument with my cousins. Somewhat fun, when you factor in the ice cream.
Lol, wow, everyone's 4th of July seems pretty… normal. Nothing too special. Now i really hate my friend for going on the field!
I went to a huge party in Indiana! Jeeze, by us the police will come if you set off a tiny little fire cracker, but over there..... They have 4 inchers!!!!!!!! fireworks until 2 in the morning!!!! its awesome everybody has m-80s firecrackers and jeeze, we got to see them set off a 4 incher not 10 feet away! The windows rattled every time they set one off!!!! It was awesome!!! best firework display ever!!! Plus great tasty food!!!
Last edited by AlanProjects (2008-07-05 16:56:25)
Aerial fireworks (the best kind ) are banned in my state, but that doesn't stop us from destroying our neighbors' mailboxes with them! My friend had a party last week and his dad took out his extensive collection of **illegal** fireworks, which sorta makes up for the fact that I didn't see any on the 4th.
Hobbs1100 wrote:
I watched T.V., played RockBand, then went out with my friends to iPLAY gaming lounge.... oh yeah, and watched the Allouettes cream the Blue Bombers..... yeah, I'm Canadian and not American.
Jaws is really creepy. I tried watching it a couple of years ago...*shivers*
tms5 wrote:
Bluestribute did u get my message on your ps3? Don't u have one?
My brother is watching T.V. right now on the T.V. (which our PS3 is on) so when he gets off I will, or tomorrow since my dad, mom, and brother (I hope my brother) will be gone. But yes, i do have one.
Eh, my 4th of July was nice. I saw some awesome fireworks. Also, I think it was from June 20th to July 5th, my neighbors would shoot fireworks (which were usually a bit lame). So I would watch them from my deck
It was ok, people fired firecrackers in da streets (i think it's illegal here), and they were probably our neighbors, and when i went on a top building, a dude with his car's front-lights on got in my eyes, i turned for a second and i was paralyzed for about 10 seconds. scary . Then people lit illegal fireworks on the roof of da building we were on, well, the tiop floor i should say, and they lit them, and ak! i freaked out that it was gonna burn us to death for a second. it wasn't a really good 4th of july though