Hello and welcome to Scratch new scratchers!
When I started Scratch, I thought some parts of it were kind of strange. After I posted a few projects, I get it! So...
The [blocks] <broadcast[ [/blocks] block
This block is used with the
[blocks] <when I receive[ [/blocks]
block to send a message to everyone. When a script gets to a brodcast block, the when I receive block starts and everything under it does too.
Summary: Send a message to another sprite.
The [blocks] <broadcast[ ]and wait c> [/blocks] block
This block is the same as the above block, but if you use it, it will wait until e.g. all the jumps are done or the player pressed play before continuing the script. If you download "Block picture" ( by me ) and look at Sprite1 it has lots of broadcast and wait blocks.
Summary: Use to wait until, say, everyone finished jumping.
In the Operators section you can do things like add numbers. Those round blocks like
[blocks] <pick random( 1 )to( 10 [/blocks]
return numbers. Click on one and a little speech bubble will come up, showing the returned result. With this block, if you want different numbers, click on one of them and type in another number. You can do negative numbers too ( like -5 )
The diamond ones, like
[blocks] <( <=> )> [/blocks]
also return things. Try dragging one of these into the striped area and typing numbers in to the sides. If the numbers are the same, when you click on it, it will say true. If not, it says false.
Now we can make a script.
Try dragging a if block from the control section into the stripes and see what you can drop into the diamond part. See how the equal sign block fits, but not the random number block? Whenever there is a diamond shaped hole in a block, it will allow diamond blocks ( true/false blocks ) in it, but not oval blocks ( called reporter blocks ).
Now go into Control again. Drag out a
[blocks]<when green flag clicked>[/blocks]
block and drag the if under it. If you drag the block close enough, and drop it, it should snap to the green flag block. By the way, these blocks with a round top are called hat blocks.
Pick Motion. Drag a
[blocks]<move( 10 )steps>[/blocks]
block inside the if block. It should snap inside.
Blocks shaped like the if block are calles C blocks and ones like the move 10 steps are called command (or stack) blocks. The things you have assembled in the stripes (or scripts area) are called scripts.
You can try clicking on the green flag. (The one above the white area with a cat in it, the Stage.) If the numbers in the equals block are equal, it should move. If it doesnt, make sure everything is together (drag the green flag block around, everything else should move too) and the numbers are equal.
Look below the Stage. This is the Sprites area. There should be a cat, a Stage, and a few buttons. Try clicking the one with a box and a question mark. You get a surprise picture! If you click on the little picture next to the cat, you can add scripts to that too. The button with a paintbrush is where you can paint your own sprite. Give the Paint Editor time to load, then paint away and press OK. Hey that rhymes!
Try using the broadcast block in the cat. Click on the little arrow and press new. A little box will pop up, asking you to write a message. Type "say Hi" into that box and press OK. In another sprite, use the when I receive block. If it doesn't say "say Hi" in the little box, click on the arrow and choose it. Now try to find the
[blocks]<say[ Hello! ]for( 2 )secs>[/blocks]
block. It's purple, just like the picture. Put it under the receive block. Press the Green Flag. If the broadcast block is in the cat's script, your new sprite should say Hello!
Well that's Scratch. Have fun, and Scratch on!
Nice guide
Nice, bit like my guide
It took me forever. xD
Wow, much better than the actual instruction page. Thanks for the basic instrutions. But what does the [blocks]<change pen shade by( [/blocks] mean? Never get it right.