I’m back at it again! My third, long awaited version of guitar hero has just arrived. Instantly you notice a few graphical changes. First, is my little clip, at the beginning. Nice graphics huh? Anyways as you move on you will notice an updated menu. Although I didn’t make any new modes, the menu screen is revamped. After you choose your difficulty you will notice a background changed, and then one of my most important changes yet. After getting multiple suggestions, I decided to make a system where you could tell if you hit the note or missed it.
It now "Sparks" when you hit the next note. After getting 16 love its on my second version of GH3 from less than 60 views I decided it was time to make a new version. So, I am proud to say, here it is: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/newareagle/203171.
Have fun and remember to suggest new songs/comment!
Bumpage, I Have already got over 10 love its, and 20 love its on my arms of sorrow version!