There's no reason for them not to, is there?
It would be helpful for making 1-sprite 1-script stamping glass doors or transparent water.
I mean, ghost is the only effect that doesn't get preserved in stamps.
I agree.
Maybe there is a problem like it would need too many layers or something, and the fact sprites cant be half ghost half not.
I agree
colorfusion wrote:
I agree.
Maybe there is a problem like it would need too many layers or something, and the fact sprites cant be half ghost half not.
Hmm? But stamps don't use layers... well idk.
iamrpk wrote:
I support this.
Support! Except it should have an option to turn it on and off
samurai768 wrote:
Support! Except it should have an option to turn it on and off
That'd be nice. But couldn't you just set ghost to zero to stamp? Unless you want to invisi-stamp, but as long as you don't put "stamp" at the end of a frame, you should be fine with that.
coolstuff wrote:
I totally agree. All the other visual effects are kept while stamping, so why isn't ghosting? I see no reason why not to.
Me neither. But why would they have purposefully disabled one effect while allowing all the rest in the first place?
Harakou wrote:
Agreed! There's no reason not to, really.
No, there really isn't any reason not to, is there?