When is it supposed to come out, and what new features will it include? Does anybody know?
I asked the same thing. Someone said the end of summer they should release a beta
Since we now know approximately when it comes out, what will it have? Are there any plans for using Jens' lists, flip block, XML scripts, or draggable scripting area??
wel, they are working on Scratch 1.0.1, and it has a lot of experimental blox, so it'll take a long time to finish dat then get to scratch 1.3, if there is one
wow, how ironic, i put my last post at the time 15:15:15 :|
Last edited by alien99 (2008-06-28 15:18:08)
alien99 wrote:
wel, they are working on Scratch 1.0.1, and it has a lot of experimental blox, so it'll take a long time to finish dat then get to scratch 1.3, if there is one
Um, version 1 came out quite a while ago.
SonicPops wrote:
alien99 wrote:
wow, how ironic, i put my last post at the time 15:15:15
Alien99, can you please make your signature shorter? ^^ Thanks!
I concur.
alien999, can you please remove all the smileys from your signature? It's a bit annoying...
From what I know, the major change of Scratch 1.3 will be the support for UTF-8 - a text format. Using the UTF-8 format, Scratch could be translated to languages which do not use the latin alphabet, like Chinese, Arabic, ...
I am sure there will be other features, and several bug fixes (hopefully) , but we'll have to wait until the beta(?) or the real version comes out...
JSO wrote:
alien999, can you please remove all the smileys from your signature? It's a bit annoying...
From what I know, the major change of Scratch 1.3 will be the support for UTF-8 - a text format. Using the UTF-8 format, Scratch could be translated to languages which do not use the latin alphabet, like Chinese, Arabic, ...
I am sure there will be other features, and several bug fixes (hopefully) , but we'll have to wait until the beta(?) or the real version comes out...![]()
Wait, so there will be text variables like in netscratch? That would be awesome! My main question though is if the Scratch team is gonna put the things Jens made in.
bigB wrote:
what is netscratch?
It's Multi-player Scratch. They have betas out now. It using thing sliek shariables to make a 2 player game so i can be playing you in a game Cyclone103 made. Shariables are confusing though
they should put the comment scipt backin!
bigB wrote:
how do you get netscratch?
http://web.media.mit.edu/~tstern/stuff/netscratch/NetScratch.zip I got it there
bigB wrote:
do you really need so many smilies alien99?
I guess
ok there, i kept my smilys to a minimum, happy ?
there is a release candidate, i cannot link you to it i'm not allowed, but look at http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=scratch+1.3+candidate&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enGB251GB267
it's a search for "scratch 1.3 candidate"
I already have it. I know about it already. I did not know what would be included in it at teh time (till I got the beta)