I'M not sure if I am alone on this but it would help out when scratching to be able to hide the Variable Displays. Like Having a setup round and then when playing the game they hide. Or letting them move on their own. I just think that that would be awsome. Also I noticed that the last game I made was fairly large... And Slow it jumped area to area. and I programed it right. So I was thinking that the L.L.K. Thing would be able to create more of a tolerance on the program for larger scripted projects Thanks
You're not alone
read http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=951
I sympathize with you, not being able to hide the variables drives me nuts. If you read the above thread you will find that they are already working on this and it will probably appear in the next version of scratch. As for your laggey game often I found that programs with larger scripts can work better online but if it is still slow you need to optimize scripts and reuse sprites as much as you can.
The easiest way to hide variables temporarily is to put a sprite (that looks the same as the background) over it.
This of course only works on non-moving backgrounds.
There are no moving backgrounds in scratch---they have to be emulated with sprites, and sprites *can* be moved in front of or behind variable displays.
kevin_karplus wrote:
There are no moving backgrounds in scratch---they have to be emulated with sprites, and sprites *can* be moved in front of or behind variable displays.
Actually, moving backgrounds can also be simulated with background changes on the stage.
But the point was that if you are using a sprite to emulate a moving background, and you move it forward or back to show/hide variable windows, you will probably have to move every other sprite you are using forwards as well to make sure they remain visible. It's a pain, and we could really do with variable displays being treated *exactly* like sprites.
Mick - we are talking about showing and hiding variable displays whilst the program is running, as part of the scripting. EG, showing them to allow entery of data on sliders, then hiding them to run a pattern generating script based on the variables entered. The tick boxes are o good for that.
Having variable displays be more like sprites is a good idea.
The problem could also be addressed by switching from a deck-of-cards metaphor (with "move to front" and "move back <n> layers") to a depth model, where each sprite (and variable display) has a z value. The scrolling backgrounds could be at z=200, while variables and sprites are a lesser depths. Moving a variable behind or in front of another sprite would not involve all the other sprites being moved.