Use that if it is a very simple background, otherwise, I usually have ScrollX go back to 0 after it reaches a certain point, kinda like this:
[blocks]<if><( <{ ScrollX }> <<> -300 )>[/blocks]
[blocks]<set{ ScrollX }to( 0[/blocks]
Bluestribute wrote: Use that if it is a very simple background, otherwise, I usually have ScrollX go back to 0 after it reaches a certain point, kinda like this:
[blocks]<if><( <{ ScrollX }> <<> -300 )>[/blocks]
[blocks]<set{ ScrollX }to( 0[/blocks]
Where do i put that script?
keroro645 wrote:
Bluestribute wrote: Use that if it is a very simple background, otherwise, I usually have ScrollX go back to 0 after it reaches a certain point, kinda like this:
[blocks]<if><( <{ ScrollX }> <<> -300 )>[/blocks]
[blocks]<set{ ScrollX }to( 0[/blocks]Where do i put that script?
Well, put tat in the
[blocks]<if><key[ Right Arrow ]pressed?>[/blocks]
Script. Because when you press the right arrow, it goes to negatives. And than use grater than for the left arrow and, in this case, make it go to negative 300