Saw this in a misc thread. Who said misc threads can't help scratch?
My suggestion has 3 parts:
1. Front page handicaps
If a person gets onto the front page, they have a handicap added to them every day that project would be on the front page. This handicap means that their love-its, views, remixes and downloads are reduced by the handicap when deciding who gets on the front page. Why make it apply to everything? Well, this means that you can't just get a top viewed project, upload another project and advertise it for top remixed or something as easily.
2. Project handicaps
Another idea is to not limit projects to a one week age (or something) when deciding what gets on the front page. Instead, every week increase the project's handicap by one. This handicap stacks with the effect of the front page handicap, but does not affect other projects. Also, every 3 times that a project is flagged (by different IPs), the handicap increases by 1. Why 3? With 1, a person could do it to annoy his/her competition. With 2, they could get a friend. 3 seems more reasonable.
3. Decreasing handicaps
The scratch team could (maybe) decrease the handicap of a project they like by any amount they want! Also, user handicaps decrease by 1 every 2 weeks (or longer), increasing the chance that they get front paged. Curated projects would lose 2 handicap.
Side notes:
- Handicaps have a minimum of -20 (20 less views/remixes/downloads/love-its needed).
- On projects there would be a "handicap" display by the love its and stuff.
- User pages show the user's front page handicap.
Ideas, suggestions?
The idea is neat, but I don't like the idea of showing a user's handicap - projects might be okay though...
I see a lot of problems with this, such as people who deserve it not getting on because of some handicap
But there are a few benefits as well. I'm on the fence about this. I'll wait till a few others have posted what they think, and then I'll decide
Harakou wrote:
I'm with Blade-Edge. I could see this being sort of good, but don't front-paged projects deserve it? Giving a handicap might just end up giving projects that are less deserving the front page.
Really. If they were good enough, they could get more than one love-it/view per day which is the handicap, and an extra per week, right?
This is mainly to stop people releasing one project after another and getting a bad project front paged because of that.
If it stacks up, then wouldn't it just keep increasing and stacking, until they had like a 50 point handicap, which would make anything they do automatically not get the front page?
Also, they could make new accounts to by pass the system, and upload a new project or change the project notes of an old popular one to advertise said new accounts
It would be too difficult to enforce the rule, and it wouldn't be very friendly not to enforce it. I disagree with this idea now
Blade-Edge wrote:
If it stacks up, then wouldn't it just keep increasing and stacking, until they had like a 50 point handicap, which would make anything they do automatically not get the front page?
Also, they could make new accounts to by pass the system, and upload a new project or change the project notes of an old popular one to advertise said new accounts
It would be too difficult to enforce the rule, and it wouldn't be very friendly not to enforce it. I disagree with this idea now
"Also, user handicaps decrease by 1 every 2 weeks (or longer)"
I see the idea, and it definitely could work... but in my opinion, the current system works fine.