SOMEBODY HELP! My projects won't let me type in a description! I use a Mac,you see.And whenever I try to type in a description when I'm about to share it,when I click the Done button, for one thing, my comp crashed.Another thing,It won't turn off when I press the POWER button.On the first time this happened,I got so scared that when I was trying to pull out the plug, I shocked myself! If Anyone of the scratch staff sees this, please fix and/or Reply please!
Well, you can always add the Project Notes later, after it's shared to the web. Just click on the Project Notes area, enter your text, then click on Update. I do this all the time, since I like my text to be formated (spaces between the lines) and that seems to get lost when it uploads from the Scratch Project Description.
I'm not sure why you are having trouble in Scratch with the Project Description. Anybody else seeing this problem?
I have had no problems with adding notes.
Check if this solution helps you and please tell us if it does:
Also, please post problems to the Troubleshooting forum. Thanks!
I'm moving this thread to that forum.
andresmh wrote:
Check if this solution helps you and please tell us if it does:
Also, please post problems to the Troubleshooting forum. Thanks!
I'm moving this thread to that forum.
I get an outdated link message when I tried to follow the link above.
andresmh wrote:
oops i meant this:
Isn't that the link to the answer if your Mac is crashing? Does it have this information too?
Paddle2See wrote:
Well, you can always add the Project Notes later, after it's shared to the web. Just click on the Project Notes area, enter your text, then click on Update. I do this all the time, since I like my text to be formated (spaces between the lines) and that seems to get lost when it uploads from the Scratch Project Description.
I'm not sure why you are having trouble in Scratch with the Project Description. Anybody else seeing this problem?
That's what I'm having problems with! the web text and on scratch!