Zoomreddin wrote:
Each version could get harder and you could add more things to it when you went though the level. I.e. Snow Leopard could be the hardest.
BTW: coolstuff how'd you know about Snow Leopard? Well I guess everyone know's about Snow Leopard.
PS: I'm using Snow Leopard right now!![]()
That's a good idea, but how should things look? Ideas are pointless if there's no designs for them. (although that idea didn't need a design!)
Last edited by WindozeNT (2010-07-31 19:05:52)
Pacman side scroller? Fire bubble? IDK XD
Last edited by RocksAndFire (2010-07-31 20:14:13)
You could make it really pixely then through every level it looks better
I'll get some desktop pictures for the levels!
Maybe the character could be a little Mac computer with feet. XD
Enimies: mini Windows pcs?
scratchisthebest wrote:
Maybe the character could be a little Mac computer with feet. XD
Enimies: mini Windows pcs?
The character idea is ok, but the enemies...nah. I'm thinking something from a Windows game.
scratchisthebest wrote:
Maybe the character could be a little Mac computer with feet. XD
Enimies: mini Windows pcs?
Originally, that's what I thought about doing: making some airborne Windows flags wander around and the main charcter destroying them somehow, but something stopped me from doing it. Maybe because die-hard Windows fans might skin me alive. Plus, considering I love Windows (current goal is to emulate all versions of them) it didn't score into the game.
Uhm...Maybe you could be a little, uhm...I have no ideas. Lol.
What happened? It seems like people aren't seeing the need of help from some projects. I have no other choice but to step up a level to help motivate people. If I don't have enough ideas by September 18th to make the project, I'll permanently cancel the project and will request the idea threads to be closed. Please don't make me have to do that. People, I need ideas! Send 'em in so Mac's Quest to Fix the Apple is a success! Please!
Coolstuff, I'm going to take your advice and invent up ideas myself, although it will be (very) difficult. I'm sticking with Windows-based Enimes, like the Windows Flags, Blue Screen stuff and especially IE "e" icons, since that browser can cause crashes! I might make them shoot error messages, like "Illegal Operation" and whatnot! All I need to know is the main character and powers availible to start.
You could use the colorful circle that spins when an application isn't responding as "bad guys"
Powerups could be application icons (iMovie is ninja star, etc.)
Also, can I help make this?
Here's a silly idea:
Level 1: Monkey buisness
Some apes escaped from the zoo and you need to pick up trash cans and throw them at the apes before they throw the trash cans at you :-D
PW132 wrote:
You NEED the Rainbow spinning wheel.
Added! It'll appear in OS X levels (10-16), where the spinning wheel was introduced. On the other levels, (.86-9) you'll get the wristwatch. Finally, on the Windoze 7 boss level (17), you'll get the "blue spiral cursor".
iCode-747 wrote:
Oh, and make sure that you have a gun to shoot up the top-bar. I've always wanted to shoot that up.
You mean the Finder Bar? Sure! I'll either make it an "extra" or make it an objective to unlock something.
i would make it so that you fight diffrent versions of windows and eventually bill gates... paper mario musics are awesome make also make it so you have to collect diffrent parts of the mac to repair it sonce the store is out
Last edited by WindozeNT (2010-10-12 21:15:10)
Wait, myabe you could use that annoying red circle with the X in it, just with wings, as an airborne enemy, and you could use a little ! sign with feet for normal enemies. For bosses, you can do WIndows executives.
For level designs, the first one can be going through Firefox, the second could be exploring Spore, and so on, until you reach a cave with Bill Gates in it. (lol)
As for the main character, i got nothing. Sorry.
Last edited by Flygonmaster (2010-10-16 10:06:13)