Original post in French. Many thanks for the translation.
Hello everyone.
I have a suggestion for the next version of Scratch that could be very useful.
I post in French because I do not speak very good English and Reverso is not at the top so if someone have time to translate it in English section would be cool.
My suggestion is a function from Scratch "Turn of [...] to [...]", which is a mix of" Turn of [...] degrees "and" Point to [...]".
If I for example create bots that are designed to draw on our character, it will focus automatically and very quickly with the "Point to [...]" whereas with this new feature if I put for example" Turn in [5] to [User] ", they take more time to focus on character and it will be playable.
I know it is possible to develop a code that does this without using this function but it is very complicated because the change 180 => -180 is tough.
Post your opinion here!
It's like the "Go to..." and the "Glide [...] secs to...": the block "Turn of [...] to [...]" is lower than the "Point to [...]".
Basically http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/justtestingstickman/1016938
But with better detection?
I made a project for show my suggestion:
Somebody know how can I show my suggestion to Scratch's administrators?
VilceGT wrote:
I made a project for show my suggestion:
Somebody know how can I show my suggestion to Scratch's administrators?
If they see it here, they'll probably consider it.
I have send an E-Mail to the Scratch administrators ("Contact Us" down of the page).
I will post here if I obtain an answer.
I get an answer by E-Mail "Thanks for the suggestion"
It's mean they will make this block in Scratch?
I posted it you can vote now:
And my others suggestions too: