I'm thinking about making a simple OS engine with no apps, color, or anything at all that people can download and customize and upload it as there own os. It would be very easy to customize and call someone's own all long as they would give me credit, what do you think? Do you think I should do it or not.
I was also thinking about that awhile ago. But then it would defeat the whole purpose of building Scratch OS's. Think about it. People would just use their own OS's, not others OS's. You would also need to find a way to make interchangable apps.
Hobbs1100 wrote:
You would also need to find a way to make interchangable apps.
No i wouldn't, the engine would be an empty shell with no applications at all, therefore users wold have to put in there own apps, th engine would have no apps, no color, no anything, the onlything it will have is a start menu and log in.
Jman720 wrote:
Aye, agreed. Both are not as good as I would hope for front page stuff. Berrycuter is fun but WAAAAYYYY to girly and the Windows XP is not that good at all.
Though they may be bad, I don't think you could be insulting them. It's not very nice.
I'm not insulting, I'm having an opinion. And Berrycuter isn't bad It is just girly and I'm a guy, therefore making it not the best to me. And Windows XP DOES need a lot of improvements, I'm not insulting.
Good news!
I've decided to make a complete OS!
I think the key to stopping people from making their own OS is to have "developers" make their apps as a standalone scratch projects with compatible code.
Really, all you need is a broadcast to start up an app (move to front), a broadcast to end it (hide) and a few extras. For example, I'm making a "hard drive" feature using colors so that you can take a "snapshot" of the status. The snapshot code could then be entered into the os so that it's as if a user logged out.
I'm also working on window support with fonts (anybody notice that scrolling is like up and down arrows).
I'll put up a beta soon.
I used all broadcasts in PixBites 1.0 and it took me forever! 3 months after release, I tried to convert it to variables, but I just gave up. You need to use variables or else you're toast! Look at Pixbites 2.0. It has variables to start and end apps. This makes is easier to edit and build off it.
Also, if people can't make their own apps, why bother making an OS?