Hey Jimboy, welcome to Scratch!
Welcome to Scratch, Jimboy! Lovely seeing some new faces around here
Should you ever need any help, please please please post what you need help with in the All About Scratch forum and somebody will come along and help you shortly. Scratch on!
Hello Jimboy! Nice to see you've decided to give Scratch a chance. Here you'll be able to do all kinds of stuff, including making friends over continents, or even talk to people you already know. I hope you make some cool things! (Or cool stuff, heheh.)
Scratch On!
Great way to get started in the community, here are a few other ways to get started.
1. Make projects
2. View other projects and comment
3. Post on the forums
Dazachi wrote:
Great way to get started in the community, here are a few other ways to get started.
1. Make projects
2. View other projects and comment
3. Post on the forums
Highly agreed! Another thing to try is starting a gallery - they provide plenty of fun as long as it hasn't been deleted.
Hello there! Be sure to check out the forums often, don't spam, and most imporantly, don't get dis-couraged. Iv'e seen many a user quit just because they "WEREN"T FAMOUS." Don't be like that, and make good things. Best advice I can give other than "When In Doubt, Use Fire."
use bb code
by enebaling it?
fg123 wrote:
fg123 wrote:
Theres a clue in Dazachi's post.
Anyone want to guess?
The F and G for fg123?
We went off-topic!
DaGamez wrote:
Heya Jimboy! Welcome to Scratch!
I see that you missed the clue
fg123 wrote:
Test successful. I wanted to see how Welcomed a new member it. Very.
The test was biased, because the mods could see your IP, that's why they all replied, and others followed suit. If you want a real test, try it on a proxy, although now that I've mentioned it, all new members will be welcomed, just in case it's you. Let things cool down a bit. (And on the chance that people make it a habit to say hi to new people more often just to foil your schemes, the plan will be accurate)
DaGamez wrote:
Blade, who shall we blame if you stop posting?
I wonder what you mean by this.
The Scratch team, lol
They would be the ones doing to banning
I also have myself to blame, if it comes to that
They could still track his mac-address even if he was using a proxy
He should just see how others are welcomed. It seems more accurate.