Hola amigas and amigos! Recently, I have been looking at Scratch Wiki, and this area of Scratch has hardly been viewed compared to the other places in Scratch. I was hoping if the Scratch Team can put the wiki part in the section at the top of the home page, along with the <home>, <projects>, etc..section, so others can see Scratch wiki. Not only that, I had a problem with commenting on one of the articles (Lucario621's-specifically); however, it only allowed people to comment with their personal google and blog accounts, which I find very ...well...open of personal materials...like your email. I was hoping if the team can allow Scratch users just utilize their usernames to comment if that is possible.
Adios! Heh heh heh.
This is a good idea (although I've never been to the wiki myself I suppose it could be fairly well received).
There is extra space on the toolbar after all.
Hey! (Scratch Wiki administrator here )
I'm glad to see you like the Scratch Wiki! It's definitely a good idea to have the Scratch Wiki appear on the top bar with the various section of the website - but I there doesn't seem to be much room (though it doesn't hurt suggesting it!) Luckily, you can access it from the support page .
As for the article - are you referring to the blog article on the Scratch Team blog? If so, I wouldn't really worry to much about it - you don't really have to comment on the blog - not many people do it anyway, for the reason you mentioned.
@Ace-of-Spades: *If* you want to see the wiki, it's here. And there isn't any extra space on the toolbar - it only appears like that on the forums.
Ace-of-Spades wrote:
There is extra space on the toolbar after all.
Yeah, who needs the language tab?
Lol Appreciate what you guys for your suggestion, and reply @ Lucario621's comment: I was talking about your article that you made. It's kind of pity nobody-actually, correction, hardly anyone sees Wiki. Well, hopefully in the future more people see it.
___::::SCRATCH ON!:::____