Yakkers wrote:
I've noticed a series of projects called "Push the Button," it has no explicit content but It's definitely not suitable for children. It instucts you to push a buttton and when you do a startling face suddenly pops up. These are often known as "screamers" or "sabatoges" on the internet. If anyone sees anything like this, PLEASE flag it. They can terrify young children and mentally scar them for life. That actually happened to me when I was young and I'm still not over it to this day.
Please explain how my project scars children for life.
I'd say it scars them for a few seconds, then they get back to normal. It even has 7 LoveIts and 4 people have favorited it.
as for yakkers ur right. but s65 u +babygirl put inappropriate project fyi the " push the buttons" R inapropriate. im saying it nicely though a bit frankly
PLEASE ERASE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been noticing lots ov my projects that are being copied by other people and called their creations. Mainly my Food Chain project and my Doodle project.
Now people are saying that I copied other people with my 'Doodle' project when they copied me!
andresmh wrote:
For now, we are removing projects we think are not appropriate for all ages. Please let us know if you find one and we will review it and remove it.
you should delete the chat room project, the project only says "The chat room" and there using the comments page as a chat room. i already flaged it and you should delete it imediantly. and if i see any other suspicius ones i'll post them here
beny: once you flag a project as inappropriate there is no need to post it on this forum. Thanks for helping monitor the site.
beny wrote:
i've also found "simpsons" projects and gallires so if you see one delete it because it is inapropiate
or if your are a member than flag it because little kids might just wonder off and see inapropiate stuff
Kaydoodle13 wrote:
jessy just left a comment on 2 of my games! My mom and I looked up the word on Wikipedia, and it said it was an insult! It meant that I was new on Scratch, but I've been on here for months! I deleted both comments but I thought I should tell you incase they have done anything else disturbing.
jessy wrote:
just like to me, i think the member is Bebe and He/she commented on my "target practice" one and said: "stupid" i deleted it but if you see anything else like this, than you should problay delete it.
i could problay look for anything inapropiate scrolling throghout the site too
As far as "noob" goes - it's very much an oversimplification to say it's automatically an insult, except perhaps in the middle of playing a game - video or otherwise. In fact, many Scratch postings look like they were written by newcomers to programming - probably because they were.
(Note that applied to my golf game, it would be insulting - also accurate.)
The entire Wiki section - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noob is rather interesting - note that editing of that section is also restricted and that you're redirected from "noob" to to "newbie" (at least today).
Given that this is a site for people to come and learn scratch, *everyone* is a noob. Even those of us who have pulled of some neat projects can learn more. No project is stupid if it teaches the person who created it something new about scratch.
The true "noobs" in a learning community like this - the people who really don't have a clue what this community is about - are those that feel it necessary to make negative comments about somebody elses project without being able to offer any advice on improving it.
Trevor_bd_07 is his name
beny wrote:
Kaydoodle13 wrote:
jessy just left a comment on 2 of my games! My mom and I looked up the word on Wikipedia, and it said it was an insult! It meant that I was new on Scratch, but I've been on here for months! I deleted both comments but I thought I should tell you incase they have done anything else disturbing.
jessy wrote:
just like to me, i think the member is Bebe and He/she commented on my "target practice" one and said: "stupid"
i deleted it but if you see anything else like this, than you should problay delete it.
i could problay look for anything inapropiate scrolling throghout the site too
Why would smeone do that 2 one of your projects?
you know how google has a thing called mark as spam on comments well maybe we could put that on the every comment and we should be able to flag the comment itself because the project may be very enjoyable and we may like it so we won' have to flag the project! Just a suggestion
Babygirl: we had that feature but we found some bugs and we disabled it. We are going to fix those bugs and enable it again.
I'm really super glad someone decided to put this topic in the forums! It solved a lot of problems and it continues to!
I saw a user with an inapropriate picture. His username is Gelbesbrot.
i like the voilence thingy, but i have something, only distantly related to this topic, theres a scratch user, Glough, he copies alot of projects says there his, and when someone blames him for copying he 1. Calls that person a noob 2. says he makes $500k a year 3.says we dont have any friends 4.says we all sleep in our parents attic(some of us dont even have attics???) 5.says he added a dot in the background 6.a combination of any of the above