The Block Library has moved to this post! Please go ahead and check it out! (this post is no longer updated and checked)
Welcome to your block library! One of the most important and beloved features of Scratch are the blocks, and a great deal of time and effort has gone into making the blocks you see. When building Scratch, the team specifically designed the code so that it would be as easy as possible to add new blocks, and many people have done just that! This topic aims to bring together a collection of useful block code for experimenting Scratchers to try out and learn from, embracing the program and share parts of the Scratch Motto and hopefully letting users use what they learn here to imagine their own blocks!
Just click on one of the block images below to find blocks for scratch, BYOB and Panther!
So to all you curious Scratchers and viewers alike, I bid you welcome. Welcome to the Library!
Scratch blocks: [82]
BYOB blocks: [73]
Panther blocks: [35]
Want to add to the library? Please do! Comment below for it to be added.
Special thanks to coolstuff for pushing to get this Itopic'd, nXIII for doing alot of the excellent graphics, SSBBM for great suggestions and graphics and everyone who posted their block code and asked for this to be Itopic'd, I couldn't have done it without you!
Last edited by sparks (2011-03-18 05:55:48)
This seems to be very helpful!
RAGE is a collection of all of the forum blocks.
This is awesome!!! It should be ITopic'd - but maybe after it gets more blocks.
You might want to make a list of the blocks, and give the name of each block before describing it.
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2010-07-23 19:52:36)
Jonathanpb wrote:
This is awesome!!! It should be ITopic'd - but maybe after it gets more blocks.
I think their was a suggestion in the ITopic suggestion thread about a block library - if this thing gets a couple more blocks in it, I will definitely recommend it to the rest of the moderators
You might want to make a list of the blocks, and give the name of each block before describing it.
That's my only complaint, too
I have some blocks to add!!!
Scratch Blocks:
(pen size)
('pen shade' #r #penSize)
No, I don't know Squeak - I simply guessed that block. It doesn't work with Pen Color or Pen Shade though.
BYOB Blocks:
[go to random place]
[previous costume]
[change costume by ( )]
[switch to random costume]
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2010-07-24 02:50:39)
Chrischb wrote:
That's a great guide!
*resolves to bump until it gets iTopic'd*
It's not iTopic, it's ITopic - we're not making Apple products here
And we'll ITopic this if it gets enough blocks in here - so keep things coming!
Did no one look at my previous comment...
this is cool. I want the block "Take photo" that takes the pic without opening any window. I need that for my maze game that pops up a freaky picture while you play to startle you, then snaps a pic of your reaction.
Also, how to you look at blocks people have coded on BlockShop?
Last edited by midnightleopard (2010-07-24 17:49:52)
Wow, this is really going to help, I just started modding Scratch!
I'm gad it helps, FMT, that's what it's for! I don't know how to get it to take a photo without opening the prompt... I like the idea of a reaction photo The blockshop blocks will be viewable and downloadable from a Panther project once it is is finished.
Can you update the topic post?
You can add any blocks shared on my thread you linked in this.
Jonathanpb wrote:
I have some blocks to add!!!
Scratch Blocks:
(pen size)Code:
('pen shade' #r #penSize)No, I don't know Squeak - I simply guessed that block.
It doesn't work with Pen Color or Pen Shade though.
BYOB Blocks:
[go to random place]
[previous costume]
[change costume by ( )]
[switch to random costume]
why does your pen size reporter block have pen shade written on it?
sparks wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
I have some blocks to add!!!
Scratch Blocks:
(pen size)Code:
('pen shade' #r #penSize)No, I don't know Squeak - I simply guessed that block.
It doesn't work with Pen Color or Pen Shade though.
BYOB Blocks:
[go to random place]
[previous costume]
[change costume by ( )]
[switch to random costume]
why does your pen size reporter block have pen shade written on it?
('pen size' #r #penSize)
Fixed - please put it in!
sparks wrote:
I have put all those blocks in
thank you very much
Looking good! I'm worried that there is a maximum size for a post
That's 64 KB - you won't have to worry about hitting the limit unless you're going to put thousands of blocks in.
Bump - this cannot die!
[Animate Costumes () through () with () secs delay]
[Go forward () layer(s)]
[Turn clockwise () degrees in () secs]
report (Pi)
( () ^ () ) (^ meaning to the power of)
report (report)
[Stamp at x: () y: ()]
<Mouse Touching edge>
EDIT: I'll be adding more blocks to this list
Last edited by PlayWithFire (2010-07-28 03:41:53)
Update this sparks!