I'm doing what the title says. I was just wondering, what I should teach him. He is a begginner. (He's coming over today)
First, show him SPRITES, BACKGROUNDS, SCRIPTS ... (Explain him) Then show him the "Drag and place" features and then move over to "When Green Sprite Clicked" and "go to x: y:" and ask him to make simple programs with these
Show him a few of your favorite projects first, though. That way, he'll probably be more excited to learn.
Yes, first show him a few projects that you enjoy, and a few of your projects. If he's excited about Scratch, try guiding him through making a short game (pong?), then let him experiment on his own with you there to answer his questions.
Yep, as above posters mentioned, show them a few of your favourite projects (ahem, mine? ) and then show them how to make a basic project. It's pretty easy to get the hang of, so don't go explaining each of the self-explanatory blocks, just give him a general sense of how to make a project with a quick demonstration - maybe something like Bug on a Plate? http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/bernatp/608.
You might like to show him some of the Scratch Video Tutorials, if you have trouble explaining what to do When I was teaching a class some of the basics of Scratch, I let them explore the blocks for themselves, and ask me if they didn't understand what a feature did
A simple animation is always a good starter. A walk cycle with speech ballons, maybe. That's kind of what I did for my first project.