Can you please sticky this topic so that, when we feel like chatting, we have easy access?
Sorry, the Forums are not a place for chatting; if you want a chatroom you should better make a gallery.
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Sorry, the Forums are not a place for chatting; if you want a chatroom you should better make a gallery.
Actually, it's a link to a chat room on another site. I always feel we need to have easier access to a completely different place to chat so we don't get spam overdose and off-topic here.
Bluestribute wrote:
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Sorry, the Forums are not a place for chatting; if you want a chatroom you should better make a gallery.
Actually, it's a link to a chat room on another site. I always feel we need to have easier access to a completely different place to chat so we don't get spam overdose and off-topic here.
Yeah, but it's one of about 3 or 4 competing chat rooms. Make a thread with links to all of them (and no fighting!) and I'll sticky it. Andres may overrule me on this at a later point - I know he is giving some thought to how to deal with chatting.