I've been using Scratch for a few years now and keep looking for this feature as I program. I'm not real big on uploading, but I run through a lot of different projects and ideas at home. I'm suggesting a sort of placeholder block. When you have sprites that do a few little tricks, it's all nice and dandy, but when you may be working on the stage, it takes a lot to plan everything out first shot. Is there any way of making a block that could temporarily take the place of other blocks until you get everything straightened out? For now, the alternative is just leaving the spots blank all over in various scrips and sprites.
Can there be a block that does the following:
1) Can take the form of various types of blocks (linking commands, round values, or pointed conditions)
2) Draw your attention (flashing, outlined, bold colored)
3) Maintain functionality when running a program (they, and blocks that rely on them, would be ignored by the editor)
4) Be hassle free (they would disappear as soon as blocks took their place)
Let me know if this or something similar could work.
whycantifindaname wrote:
I've been using Scratch for a few years now and keep looking for this feature as I program. I'm not real big on uploading, but I run through a lot of different projects and ideas at home. I'm suggesting a sort of placeholder block. When you have sprites that do a few little tricks, it's all nice and dandy, but when you may be working on the stage, it takes a lot to plan everything out first shot. Is there any way of making a block that could temporarily take the place of other blocks until you get everything straightened out? For now, the alternative is just leaving the spots blank all over in various scrips and sprites.
Can there be a block that does the following:
1) Can take the form of various types of blocks (linking commands, round values, or pointed conditions)
2) Draw your attention (flashing, outlined, bold colored)
3) Maintain functionality when running a program (they, and blocks that rely on them, would be ignored by the editor)
4) Be hassle free (they would disappear as soon as blocks took their place)
Let me know if this or something similar could work.
2 things. You didn't make it clear what exactly these 'blank blocks' would be used for (I would suggest giving an example), and those 'round values' and 'pointed conditions' are actually called reporter blocks and boolean blocks, although your way sounds really cool.
ScratchReallyROCKS wrote:
You didn't make it clear what exactly these 'blank blocks' would be used for (I would suggest giving an example)
Let me explain...
Sometimes, when you're working on scripts, there's much to do, in many different sections of it. Let's take for an example, an if else block that is in your script. You start working on the blocks in the top section of the block for a long time - but what about the other one? What if you forget that something is supposed to be there, and leave it blank, as if it's supposed to be there? Well this blank command block will go there, and remind you to finish that section.
Let's also take for example, you're working on a sprite with friction. You have a block that says:
Set (x velocity) to ( (x velocity) * () )
There is a blank spot (bolded) for the number for the amount of friction (commonly around 0.9). But you're not sure about the number, so you decide to make the decision later. Until then, how do you remember it? You put a reporter placeholder block .
Does that make sense?
hmmm.... this sounds interesting.. what I usually do is, if the script will not cause any glitches if it is not being used, is just disconnect the script and connect the script to a hat block when I am done making the script.
You could just write a note down on notepad or something, I don't think they need a whole new "Blank" block.
whycantifindaname wrote:
Can there be a block that does the following:
1) Can take the form of various types of blocks (linking commands, round values, or pointed conditions)
2) Draw your attention (flashing, outlined, bold colored)
3) Maintain functionality when running a program (they, and blocks that rely on them, would be ignored by the editor)
4) Be hassle free (they would disappear as soon as blocks took their place)
Lucario621 did an excellent job of explaining the benefits of a blank block.
roger- wrote:
what I usually do is, if the script will not cause any glitches if it is not being used, is just disconnect the script and connect the script to a hat block when I am done making the script.
That's great for telling you that you're not done, but not for reminding you what you still have to do. Is there a way to disconnect other pieces without making a jigsaw puzzle of things?
It fulfills 3 and 4, but not 1 and 2.
colorfusion wrote:
You could just write a note down on notepad or something, I don't think they need a whole new "Blank" block.
I'm glad you brought this up. I understand that this is the suggestions page for Scratch, but that doesn't mean the program is the one that needs to change. Writing fixes down on paper is another good method the can already be used.
This, though, doesn't quite get points for number 4.
Even if this did make it into Scratch, it wouldn't be revolutionary. I see this as a great way for me to get used to the forums, and to present a problem-solving challenge to the rest of the Scratch community. Come on. There has to be some creative sparks out there to not only top my first idea, but also be efficient in all of the four points I set up.
The challenge has begun. Spread the word.
It sounds like a really cool idea - it would certainly help me, as I like using loads of if-else blocks in my projects.
However, a couple of questions:
Would the block appear automatically inside a C block?
If not, which block palette would it be in?
Would it be able to be customised to remind people exactly what needs doing?(perhaps a field like on a "say [ ]" block, but perhaps as "I need to add [ ] here"?)
That does sound like a good idea - When writing huge mega-projects I always forget what I'm working on the next day. I definitely support!
I think it would be a great idea if it appeared automatically inside a C-block, as well as just after hat blocks, and inside booleans in the "if" and similar blocks - as long as it disappeared as soon as you replaced it.
It would be great to have it appear automatically, as well as be in the "control" block palette. It would also be great if you could label these things as kinds of "notes" - sort of like comments, but they actually take up block space. That way, I suppose you could also "map out" a project before you made it with *just* these blocks.
It took me forever to figure how to imbed a link to my picture, but when I finally did, it said that new members can't post links to pictures?!?! Anyway, I set it as the background to one of my projects.
My Projects
Look for the project titled "Image..."
I only have a few projects online, so it should be easy to find.
In this case, you could simply drag the "Blank Block" button into any open spot. It would be similar to any other brick, but wouldn't have a specific form. It would simply fill the shape of whatever it was dragged into. Once the block switched to the appropriate form, it could also have some kind of optional drop-down menu to add notes or comments. To go even further, if these could be placed on the background (whatever you want to call the grey-ish background thing) they could replace comments all together.
I like the auto-filler idea by coolstuff:
I think it would be a great idea if it appeared automatically inside a C-block, as well as just after hat blocks, and inside booleans in the "if" and similar blocks - as long as it disappeared as soon as you replaced it.
On the other hand it could get a little annoying all the time, and thus, could have a way of swiching it on or off.
I'll try using paint to come up with some possible layouts.