Does anybody have about 20 project ideas? Please try to make them not really complicated.
Please give me project ideas ASAP!
Update: July 19, 2010
Okay, I will keep you updated on what I am making. I have enough ideas for now, but I may need more later. If I do, I will tell you.
Update: July 20, 2010
I have completed Chicken Apocalypse. See it here:
Update: July 20, 2010
I think the next one will be Beetle Racing! Thanks ssss for posting that idea!
Update: July 23, 2010
Actually, I just made a normal racing game. Here it is:
Update: July 23, 2010
Okay, here's a list:
A Mario game.
A Sonic game.
A Space Invasion game.
A Chicken Invasion game.
The Adventures of Scratch Cat game (or even an rpg).
1~kingdom hearts
3~FISH-The final frontiere
4~chicken party
5~scratches B-DAY
6~Beetle racing
7~Hero of another race
8~All of the above in one
9~all of the above in 2
A Total Wipeout game!
Upward scrolling jumping game like Doodle Jump or Squared.
A racing game maybe!
A RPG involving mass amounts of something.
An AI Game!
The underlined items are the ones that are finished.
Update: August 1, 2010
I need some more ideas. Please, no games.
Last edited by HD123 (2010-08-01 07:42:47)
A Mario game.
A Sonic game.
A Space Invasion game.
A Chicken Invasion game.
The Adventures of Scratch Cat game (or even an rpg).
I hope that helps!
Last edited by calebxy (2010-07-19 02:59:06)
1~kingdom hearts
3~FISH-The final frontiere
4~chicken party
5~scratches B-DAY
6~Beetle racing
7~Hero of another race
8~All of the above in one
9~all of the above in 2
10~i lost the game, now you did to :lol!:
A Total Wipeout game!
Do you need any more?
A racing game maybe!
Okay, that's enough to keep me busy for quite a while. I already started on calebxy's idea: a chicken invasion. I will call it Chicken Apocalypse. I will tell you when I start another.
A RPG involving mass amounts of something. Make sure it aint blood!
And a good idea is to make it about Mass Zombie Destruction when you are done with all
calebxy wrote:
A Total Wipeout game!
Nice idea, could you please elaborate a little though? Because, to be honest, I don't exactly know what a total wipeout game is.
It's a TV show. It's a very strange obstacle course.