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#1 2010-07-22 20:25:31

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-07-22
Posts: 6


Hello everyone,
I have made a scratch game, And I was wondering if it is possible to make it multiplayer, Kindve like club penguin or runescape



#2 2010-07-22 20:31:33

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Mmorpg

Well, it is possible using a little hidden feature of Scratch called Mesh - but it is quite limited and requires a pretty good knowledge of Scratch and computing in general. You can learn a little more about Mesh here, but keep in mind that it is quite difficult to get the hang of:

This thread, however, does not belong in Troubleshooting - I'll move it to All About Scratch for you.



#3 2010-07-22 21:23:46

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-07-22
Posts: 6

Re: Mmorpg

If I were to Send you my game, Could you make it a MMORPG for me?



#4 2010-07-22 21:25:38

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Mmorpg

blaizer3 wrote:

If I were to Send you my game, Could you make it a MMORPG for me?

Well, that would take a lot of work and recoding on my part - and take up a lot of time I just don't have. Sorry, but I can't.  sad



#5 2010-07-22 21:26:37

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-10-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Mmorpg

Multiplayer games are tough on Scratch, and aren't very common, either.  hmm  Like Coolstuff said, you can use Mesh. Unfortunately, Mesh is rather limited:

1) You need to connect via direct IP, so it's insecure, and you need to make sure you trust whoever you're connecting with.
2) Often, your IP address that Mesh gives you is local, so you can't connect with people in other locations. (Outside your home network.) To solve that, you can use a program like Hamachi
3) It's tough to make a project that works with more than two people.
4) A Mesh project on the scale you're talking about would slow Scratch down a lot.
5) Mesh requires some hacking, so not many people have it. Meaning you probably won't have many people to play your project with.  sad

Sorry to sound so negative, but Mesh has yet to live up to its full potential, and it's tough to use.

However, if you still want to make your project, I'm willing to help!  big_smile



#6 2010-07-22 21:45:51

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-07-22
Posts: 6

Re: Mmorpg

i do want help  smile  Thanks for offering! do you have a skype so I can chat with you about what I would need?



#7 2010-07-22 21:59:29

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-10-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Mmorpg

blaizer3 wrote:

i do want help  smile  Thanks for offering! do you have a skype so I can chat with you about what I would need?

Yep.  big_smile

One more thing; what are your intentions for the project? A game for two players, or a bunch?



#8 2010-07-22 22:28:49

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-07-22
Posts: 6

Re: Mmorpg

Well, I just kindve want it to be a hang out thing, And Ill add a bunch of other places, Add me on skype  big_smile  my name is [removed] on there,

Last edited by Wolfie1996 (2010-07-23 11:28:04)



#9 2010-07-22 22:38:27

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-10-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Mmorpg

blaizer3 wrote:

Well, I just kindve want it to be a hang out thing, And Ill add a bunch of other places, Add me on skype  big_smile  my name is [removed - please don't share personal contact information] on there,

Your full name is listed as [removed], or is that your Skype username?


(Hope that's OK to post.)

Last edited by Paddle2See (2010-07-23 05:40:09)



#10 2010-07-22 22:42:03

Registered: 2010-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Mmorpg

Make a website for the game that way it will keep scratch running fast and you website will get flow and allow you to make a profit by adding a donate button or special objects to members that will give profit it may take about 1000 blocks as it does take about 1000 lines in normal scripting but it is possible and can help create flow me and a friend would more than happy to help if you would like to go from scratch to flash. It make take some translating but all in all it will mainly be translating and me and him have always wanted to make or help make something like this



#11 2010-07-22 23:21:07

New Scratcher
Registered: 2010-07-22
Posts: 6

Re: Mmorpg

well Do you guys know anything about actionscript? And yes [removed - please don't share personal contact information] is my skype name

Last edited by Paddle2See (2010-07-23 05:38:21)



#12 2010-07-22 23:32:48

Registered: 2010-07-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Mmorpg

a.s. Hmmm a little not very much it's not commonly used but it can definatally be done in flash since scratch is so similar to flash but it may take a long time depending on the type of game. Like runescape or like club penguin? Club penguin is easier and can be made to suite a broader range of ages where as runescape is difficult and is made for those somewhere between 13-19. Which is the normal age for people to get interested in things like runescape. I used to play both right now I'm 13 and think if you want a social hangout a club penguin like game me be best since it can do so much. I have done tons of research in stuff like this and might be getting a laptop that will have flash and some image editors and creators. I am also going to buy a book about flash. Though it might be possible to host this on scratch through as said Meshing. It is difficult give me maybe a month or 2 and it can be done



#13 2010-07-23 00:31:24

Registered: 2007-05-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Mmorpg

Blaizer3, don't get your hopes up for a MMO. No one on this site can make this kind of program and murpho unfortunately probably knows as much as you do on the matter.

This is impossible in Scratch and very difficult in other languages.

Hi, I am Archmage coder extraordinaire. I do Scratch,pascal,java,php,html, AS2 and AS3. Leave me a message if you want coding advice. Also check out my personal website, lots of good stuff about web development, Flash, and Scratch (v1 and v2) !



#14 2010-07-23 00:47:47

Registered: 2009-07-19
Posts: 28

Re: Mmorpg

Mesh is a possibility, but very primitive (Scratch's mesh). Especially for having a server. This may be slightly easier when scratch 2.0 comes out, but will still be very difficult. I suggest that you focus on other things.



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