I was wondering what you should do if someone steals a project you made and claims it's theirs. Not using a remix, just downloading it and re-uploading it saying it's theirs? Should you flag the project? I also couldn't decide where to put this, in All About Scratch or FAQ. I can move it.
They can't say they made it first since the date of the project will disprove that.
Tell the person. If that doesn't work, post a link to your project that was stolen/flag the project.
What MaxtheWeirdo said is correct, if you see a user claiming a project to be theirs without giving credit to the original author, it is best to first tell them politely and only resort to flagging if they refuse or don't respond.
Thanks. I just put this up for others to know what to do. Hopefully it won't happen to anyone. Oh and how do I close a topic?
Mcsugarface wrote:
Thanks. I just put this up for others to know what to do. Hopefully it won't happen to anyone. Oh and how do I close a topic?
You can use the report button, saying you want the topic closed; a moderator will be able to close the topic for you.
Out of curiosity, is this the topic that you want closed?