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#1 2010-07-20 17:50:58

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 35

Accumulation of Various Pet Peeves...

Improvements i would like to see made
for the next generation of Scratch
a)  A Normalized Checkbox ( Macintosh OS ) in The Upper Left Hand Corner that Indicates whether or Not the Current Version is Saved or Not.
b)  An Indicator & Easier Method of Turning TurboSpeed On & Off, or Better Yet, Being able to Turn TurboSpeed On & Off from within The Program.
c)  Ability to Show & UnShow Lists.
d)  Ability to Provide The Position, Size & Mode of Variables & Lists when Showing Them on The Screen.
e)  Ability to Define The Range of Variables when Shown on The Screen, in Slider Mode.
f)  Ability to Move around in the Programming Pane by Dragging a Script around. That is; Drag a Script to the Edge and The Window Pane Expands or Moves to Accommodate this desire to move it further in that direction.
g)  Ability to Select A Specific Selection of Bricks To Delete or Move or Copy.
h)  To Accommodate a Greater Number of Bricks, And Brick Categories, Make The Categories into Menus of Bricks. That is; Select a Brick Category, Such as; Motion: And A Menu of Bricks will come up, that the Programmer may then Select.
i)  Allow the User to Use KeyBoard ShortCuts to bring Any Given Brick to The Programming Pane. ( e.g.; fn-+ brings The _+_ Brick to The Programming Pane )
j)  Allow The User to Create Custom Brick Category Menus. That is; The User can Create a Menu of Bricks that they Use Very Frequently. ( And PreDefine Their Internal Settings! )
k)  Ability to Create Scratch Templates. That is; Create a Programming Structure that can be made into A Template, Which is then Opened as a Copy thereafter, And customized to do a Specific Thing. ( Without Harming or Changing The Template. )
l)  Lots More Arithmatic &/or Geometric Functions.
m)  Ability to Make Lists & Variables from within a Program.
n)  Ability to Store Variables & Lists within Lists, Unlimited Layers.
o)  The scratchthumbs.db Files that appear wherever you've loaded a Scratch Sprite or Whatnot into a Scratch Program, Should be made invisible. There is some way to do this, as all my folders have countless invisible files in them already from other programs & System functions ( on my Mac ). So The Scratch Engineers should figure out how that's done.
p)  It should be easy to clear up some space on the bottom of the Programming Pane when it fills up. It's very tedious to nudge a programming block down, move the slider, nudge the block down, move the slider, nudge the block down, move the slider, until there's a big enough space to work on another programming set of blocks.
q)  This may sound dumb; But it would be nice if there was an indicator that revealed if there was a script, somewhere, running or not. Maybe The Icon in The Sprites Window would be highlighted somehow, or maybe the greenflag would ripple as the program is running. This may be slightly distracting, so it should be subtle, but not ambiguous.
r)  Be able to search for Phrases, Usages of Scripts, Specific Blocks in Use, or block combinations
s)  Abiltity to Use Common KeyBoard ShortCuts; Such as Selecting Block Sets to Copy, Cut, Paste & Duplicate. The Current Menu that comes down lists Duplicate & Delete Right Next to Each Other, which is just inviting a sea of tears. On The Mac, The Preferred Method of Copying an Item is to Simply Highlight it, Then Option & Drag.
t)  One of the things i would really like to see fixed; Is the crazy arithmatic functions...! While Scratch apparently allows numbers to be defined precisely as Very Large Numbers, It is confused by smaller fractions. Obviously it is very wrong to when adding 2 + 2 ( for example ) and the result is 3.9999999999999 !
u)  Another crazy problem is Character Consistency. While Scratch, in some contextual usages, allows for meta128 characters, or formatting characters, to be used one way, but not another, which applies consistently to Other Normal Characters. Particularly; When Exporting List/Documents, Characters that Scratch is able to reliably work with, Disappear or are distorted when Exported???
v)  Complex Numbers (x,y) and Tools to Process them.
w)  The Edges around Multiple Step Equations should be thicker and a distinct color so that it's easier to grab and move them, without pulling them apart. It's often difficult to know, or remember or see where the lowest ( ? ) operator is, to grab it as a totality.
x)  Fix : Whenever i snap a block or group of blocks into an equation block, it will leap off to the right, very often, nearly jumping entirely off The working pane! This phenomena is not completely consistent, as i have tried to localize what exactly is causing it, and i am still stumped?
y)  Ability to Single Step / At Users Discretion; Through a Script. That is; Advance Block by Block, At The Users Command. When Single Stepping is -ON- A Special Controller Pane with The Step Button on it, Allowing the User to Step forward one block at a time.

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#2 2010-07-21 02:19:22

Registered: 2010-05-19
Posts: 100+

Re: Accumulation of Various Pet Peeves...

no z?  smile 
Good job putting thought and work into this.
You have some great points.  I hope you're heard.



#3 2010-07-21 03:21:08

Registered: 2008-07-24
Posts: 1000+

Re: Accumulation of Various Pet Peeves...

Lots of good ideas!  smile  But for a higher chance of a getting them approved, try making an individual suggestion for each - Lightnin (one of the Scratch Team) says it helps.  wink

I fall: It's a tragedy. You fall: It's comedy.
Hmph enjoy your fall - I get a lovely spring... without pans of new leaves.



#4 2010-07-21 15:15:44

Scratch Team
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Accumulation of Various Pet Peeves...

Yes! A lot of these are really interesting ideas. It helps to submit them one at a time so that others can join in and discuss their merits / drawbacks. We put a lot of thought into each new feature, and that's important because it helps to keep Scratch simple and easy to use - very important to the success of Scratch.

Help Scratchers make the leap to 2.0!



#5 2010-07-21 20:04:07

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: Accumulation of Various Pet Peeves...

Many of these features I particularly like. My support goes towards 100% of these ideas, all 25 of them  big_smile  Maybe later I'll post my wonderful breakdown of each and every suggestion you just made, though that may take longer than most posts.



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