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Just use the "play sound" block
I'm not entirely sure what your problem is, though - can you post a picture of your script? If you don't know how to do that, there's a great tutorial by coka here.
Are you having trouble getting the recording into Scratch? It might be because it has to be in a sound format that Scratch recognizes - wav or mp3.
coolstuff wrote:
Just use the "play sound" block
I'm not entirely sure what your problem is, though - can you post a picture of your script? If you don't know how to do that, there's a great tutorial by coka here.
Helloo, thank you for the help,but I cannot post pictures in my post because I'm a new scratcher! But all I want is the sound to play throughout the whole script, but at the moment, I dont know where to put it in the script, if i put it at the end it will only play when everythings finished and if I put it in the begining the script wont start until the sound has finished-I hope this has helped
Harakou wrote:
Try making the script broadcast a message, then have a separate script that plays the entire sound until done when it receives the broadcast.
Just use this, then a different sprite can play it. Put the broadcast message at the beginning.
Oh, I see. Try something like this:
When Green Flag Clicked
broadcast [play a sound!]
[insert script here]
When I recieve [play a sound!]
play sound [sound]
Of course, if it's triggered by the green flag being clicked, you can always just make two scripts and you won't have to use broadcasts at all - but this allows you to play sounds in the middle of a script
That should do the trick. Good luck!
No problem! Glad things are working out for you!
Since this topic seems to be solved, I'll close this for you. If you need it reopened, just report this topic and we'll reopen it for you. Thanks!
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Pages: 1