nicolasx: Thanks a lot for sharing your enthusiasm about Scratch! It's great to see you have created a website. Looks very professional! On the other hand I think posting one message about it is enough to let people know. Also, there is no need to reply harshly to Zelda123's criticism.
Zelda123: It's great to see that you care about our online community and its forums. I understand you might be annoyed by people trying to "bump" their forum threads, however, in the future I would suggest simply ignoring this kind of behavior because by posting a message you are also "bumping" the thread! If you find a forum post that really bothers you, simply click on "Report" under the forum post or contact the Scratch Team directly by clicking on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom.
Thanks everyone!
I agree! Also, thanks nicolasx for the mentioning of Scratchresources .
andresmh wrote:
nicolasx: Thanks a lot for sharing your enthusiasm about Scratch! It's great to see you have created a website. Looks very professional! On the other hand I think posting one message about it is enough to let people know. Also, there is no need to reply harshly to Zelda123's criticism.
Zelda123: It's great to see that you care about our online community and its forums. I understand you might be annoyed by people trying to "bump" their forum threads, however, in the future I would suggest simply ignoring this kind of behavior because by posting a message you are also "bumping" the thread! If you find a forum post that really bothers you, simply click on "Report" under the forum post or contact the Scratch Team directly by clicking on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom.
Thanks everyone!
Hey, don't forget that MY website's the original!
Jet7889 wrote:
Hello Im still a little new here so can you guys tell me whats going on?!?
Well, Jet 7889,-----joeyman and nicolasx have both made scratch forum sites, and we're trying to get them noticed!
Joeyman's original site:
Nicolasx's newer site:
Please check them out!
andresmh wrote:
nicolasx: Thanks a lot for sharing your enthusiasm about Scratch! It's great to see you have created a website. Looks very professional! On the other hand I think posting one message about it is enough to let people know. Also, there is no need to reply harshly to Zelda123's criticism.
Zelda123: It's great to see that you care about our online community and its forums. I understand you might be annoyed by people trying to "bump" their forum threads, however, in the future I would suggest simply ignoring this kind of behavior because by posting a message you are also "bumping" the thread! If you find a forum post that really bothers you, simply click on "Report" under the forum post or contact the Scratch Team directly by clicking on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom.
Thanks everyone!
I realize that posting could cause bumping of this topic; although it will not be anymore bumped as it is already as it is as far up as it can be.
My purpose for posting above was not to stop the thread from being bumped. I was trying to help the owner to understand that what he/she was doing was not right.
I'm on (logining in)