I tried logging on to the site and all of a sudden, this message appears instead of the site
The Scratch Team decided to block the account or the IP address you are using.
Reasons: Blackboy2000 posted pornographic content from this IP address
Contact Us if you have any questions
Now Im using my grandfathers computer, and until I came, nobody knew and even when they knew scratch's potential and so nobody cared.
What the heck is with this?
I'm going to make a guess and say that it's possible that somebody on the Scratch team accidentally blocked a bigger range of IP addresses than they intended to. Please contact the Scratch Team using the Contact Us link if you are still being blocked in error.
That happened to me today to!!!!
Fortunately, a half hour later I was allowed back on the site!
I don't like BlackBoy2000!!!!
The Scratch team should be a little more careful...
Last edited by Hoopla (2008-06-21 08:33:47)
I didn't get blocked, but I still hate blackboy :q
I didnt get blocked but it still happened.
This event happend quite a while back...I believe it was an accident. It's been corrected and I think it's time to close this thread.