Thanks a lot for your comments.
Mayhem, I hadn't thought about that. I am adding it as feature request.
xyxzergames, thanks a lot for your offer to be a moderator! That is really cool. We will definitely think of you when we have the ability to involve members of the community as moderators.
Will it be OK if you put violent projects but you have a warning on them? Like: WARNING: Intense violence and gore, do not show to younger children. Or something like that.
would a project that has been re-uploaded or plagiarised by someone be considered inappropriate. i mean could a project be flagged for being an exact copy of another project with no changes.
Thank you for the report of the inappropriate comment. It has been taken down. We are currently working on better filtering mechanisms so that this type of content does not appear online. Thank you for your continuing support of the Scratch community.
Paulmedwal (for the Scratch Team)
davidchen has also been making rude comments in the comments on street fighter II
On a daily basis (as much as possible), moderators do look at flagged project's as well as their title, notes, and comments. In the future we are adding the ability to specify more specifically what you are flagging, which should clarify this issue.
As pointed out, a subset of the community push at the boundaries of what is and what is not acceptable. It has been great, seeing many in the community self-regulating, often in the context of thoughtful discussion and respectful social pressure. Of course social pressure also can lead to name calling, and this is also subject to flagging/censoring.
Underlying the idea of Scratch - as a sandbox to explore creative media production/programming, is an interest in providing opportunities for proactive participation in a community. I agree with Roberth (about the benefits of clearly listing unacceptable behavior), but also want to ask if people find value in vagueness? This is to ask...if everything regarding appropriateness is not spelled out, will it promote more users to think about and decide for themselves what is and isn't fair?
i have seen really bad pic on here is there a way 2 stop it?
iwikepie wrote:
There are some VERY inappropriate words in a comment left in the gallery 'friendly room, welcome!'. And the user davidchen wrote them.
i have been earned by my parents if i see bad language i can NEVER go back onto scratch and i have had 2 delete my bad words on many of my projects
Send us the username with the bad picture using the contact us form (there is a contact us link on the bottom of the screen) and we will take care of it.
I've noticed a series of projects called "Push the Button," it has no explicit content but It's definitely not suitable for children. It instucts you to push a buttton and when you do a startling face suddenly pops up. These are often known as "screamers" or "sabatoges" on the internet. If anyone sees anything like this, PLEASE flag it. They can terrify young children and mentally scar them for life. That actually happened to me when I was young and I'm still not over it to this day.
This project seems very inappropriate by name and purpose:
Yakkers wrote:
I've noticed a series of projects called "Push the Button," it has no explicit content but It's definitely not suitable for children. It instucts you to push a buttton and when you do a startling face suddenly pops up. These are often known as "screamers" or "sabatoges" on the internet. If anyone sees anything like this, PLEASE flag it. They can terrify young children and mentally scar them for life. That actually happened to me when I was young and I'm still not over it to this day.
Gee whiz those scare me too! It get spam emails like that all the time
iwikepie wrote:
I've noticed several projects have gore,other violence, and some language. Maybe there should be some rating system that you or other users could put up to rate a project.
Heres some ideas for a rating system....
AAA=Appropriate for all ages
AA 8+=Appropriate for ages 8 and up(this might be something mild like an explosion or a some non realistic violence)
V=more realistic violence
E=everything, very bad
I agree!
iwikepie wrote:
There are some VERY inappropriate words in a comment left in the gallery 'friendly room, welcome!'. And the user davidchen wrote them.
Exactly and i would not join untill da gallery pic was changes
Mayhem wrote:
In that circumstance, Xyxzergames, I flagged a project but added a comment saying "I have flagged this project not because of the project, but because of one of th comments.
The moderators dealt with it promptly and deleted the offending comment and mine (since mine was now redundant).
One thing it doesn't seem to do, though, is "unflag" when what you have described has been dealt with. AT THIS URL IS A very BAD COMMENT a mean and offencive project about afro duck here as well and here
they are all very offencive
Last edited by Babygirl (2007-07-20 18:46:17)
Offline can u get rid of the comment by wazup91150 at this url plz
Well I think you should do something like on "Club Penguin" they give warrnings to each inappropriate player but if they don't listen and curse/do anything bloody is officcialy banned from the website._brie700
Babygirl: thanks a lot for helping everyone in making the Scratch website a better community. Most of the projects you have reported were reported by others and the administrators of the site decided to delete them. One thing I noticed is that you posted comments on some of those projects saying something like:
I think those type of comments can be considered mean so I would like to suggest that when you don't like a project because you think it's inappropriate instead you could say something like
I think this project is not appropriate for the Scratch community because... ____________
so the creator can get constructive criticism on why you think that project is not appropriate.
Thank you very much for being such an active member of the community!
jessy just left a comment on 2 of my games! My mom and I looked up the word on Wikipedia, and it said it was an insult! It meant that I was new on Scratch, but I've been on here for months! I deleted both comments but I thought I should tell you incase they have done anything else disturbing.
jessy wrote: