blah I decided to do the bacground AND the two shapes inside. The shapes inside will be:
Wooden block (not passable)
Crumbled Wood Block (breakable)
and later on I might make Wooden hole (only tank shells can go past this), but I'm not sure how you would do it. OOOh just make it to where the tank reacts in a different way than the shots? I guess lol
I might make the pointer as well lol (red color or blue?)
Sounds good!
I think I might have a thing later where you can change the color of your tank, but I can do that.
It's the game background (sorry about the shadows lol. And the angle is the angle of the tank), wooden block, crumble block, and aim cursor-- what else did I make!? ...Oh yeah, a wooden hole, lol.
Btw, I recommend that the tank and turret be shrunk down 50 times, the wooden block and crumble block 25 times, the wooden hole I think 25 times, and the aim cursor... 50? Idk. Oh and some stuff still have white on them that you might have to fill out "^.^. Oh, and you might want to change the brightness of some stuff, but I think it'll work out ok the way it is.
Just to get a picture of how a level could look (without the scores and stuff yet), here's a quick screenshot I made after assembling all my objects (forgot the aimer, and like I said earlier, I didn't take off the white
Looking 'professional', eh? lol XD just kidding
*phew that took a whilez*
...and now I need to work some more on my Schizo Island 3D for a while; I'm lagging behind lol ;D
Last edited by Ludichris1 (2010-07-07 19:20:18)
Thanks Ludichris. I'll give you credit for "Art" Lol
Now we need someone to script the player's tank. Anybody?
TheGameMaster1231 wrote:
Thanks Ludichris. I'll give you credit for "Art" Lol
Now we need someone to script the player's tank. Anybody?
No problemo; thanks for the credit . And I can't script the tank lol I don't have the skillz. But all the art isn't done lol. I think the rest is 2d, unless you want the bullet or title/win/gameover/mainmenu/subtitle/leveldetails in 3d too xD
Too bad I can't make explosion and smoke effects lol
ooh! ooh! pick me! pick me!
i can probably script the tank. i'm good at that kind of stuff. it might take a while, so upload the graphics onto the website or something and be patient. this is a good idea. this might get very far.
i'll add you to my friends list
hope i can help!
by the way you might like this:
is this what you wanted, or do you not still need them? please reply
Last edited by hello12345678910 (2010-07-08 20:29:56)
hello12345678910 wrote:
ooh! ooh! pick me! pick me!
i can probably script the tank. i'm good at that kind of stuff. it might take a while, so upload the graphics onto the website or something and be patient. this is a good idea. this might get very far.
i'll add you to my friends list
hope i can help!
by the way you might like this: … /tanks.png
is this what you wanted, or do you not still need them? please reply
Well, the tank doesn't fit our style, and I already made some ;D (see earlier posts)
But sure, you could probably script (with TheGameMaster's consent).
And the graphics are on the website, lol. READ the earlier posts, and you'll see my link on the tank sprite and other stuff. :p
hello12345678910 wrote:
ooh! ooh! pick me! pick me!
i can probably script the tank. i'm good at that kind of stuff. it might take a while, so upload the graphics onto the website or something and be patient. this is a good idea. this might get very far.
i'll add you to my friends list
hope i can help!
by the way you might like this: … /tanks.png
is this what you wanted, or do you not still need them? please reply
Ok, well we got all the sprites already, we don't need those ones. But we can definatly use your help with the scripting. (Check your messages)
PW132 wrote:
Title: EasyEasyEasy!
Difficulty: Impossible.
Description: Be frustrated as you struggle to even MOVE, much less beat 1 level!
well we haven't scripted yet so what is your point?
getting a little frustrated with the scripting, and im not exactly sure what you guys want, i mean, i got the tank to move around and not run into obstacles, but what do i do now? Script the Enemy? make the buletts Fire? (whell thats not an option i dont even have bulletts) does he fall into holes, or walk over them, or can he not walk over them. i really dont understand what you want
Ok, the green tank's turret (top thing) needs to follow the mouse pointer. Also, with the holes, the tanks shouldn't be able to go through them. Anything else?
ok i got that. it was hard making the turret follow the mousepointer while still staying in 3D. i got the hole thing down. i do need you to make me more blocks/enemys. does it need to be exactly like the real game, or can we put extras in it? maybe whe could have some switches that open doors, or disipeering blocks, or just something that isn't in the real game.
by the way i uploaded the project.the turret roughly follows the mouse. you need to click to reposition the mouse, and i don't know why, i didn't make it that way.
Tank Game Test 2
Last edited by hello12345678910 (2010-07-09 09:55:19)
speaking of bullets, we don't have one yet do we? lol
Ludichris1 wrote:
Too bad I can't make explosion and smoke effects
i have the explosion on my project.
Ok, hello12345678910, your tank project is great and all, but it is EXTREMELY laggy. So all I'm gonna use from it is the turret following the mouse pointer script. I'll give you credit. Thanks!
its laggy on the website, but thanks. do you need any more help? if you do, just ask me.
im gonna try to fix the lag
i fixed the lag (well, sort of) at least it doest run slow anymore. there are still some bugs, ill try to work them out
Last edited by hello12345678910 (2010-07-09 11:19:47)
Well it's a bit laggy downloaded too. But no, we don't really need any more help at the moment, except if you can draw a 3D (2D) white bullet.
here they are: … 10/1181386
are these OK?
Last edited by hello12345678910 (2010-07-09 12:51:29)
well the front is a little boxy lol
You can download a sphere from the Google Warehouse via File>3D Warehouse>Get Models.
Download a sphere, and scale it to fit at the point of the bullet to make it smooth and bullet-like (lol).
Oh and go to View>Edge Style>Display Edges (uncheck it) when you're ready to upload it into a project
and make sure everything is clear around the bullet
..idk gamemaster what do you think?
Well, hello's was pretty good, but when you make it smaller, it doesn't look that much like a bullet... and because I don't have Google Warehouse, I'm just gonna ask somebody to draw a small silver/white bullet sprite.
i have google warehouse. ill do what you said
Last edited by hello12345678910 (2010-07-09 14:08:13)
got them. i added them to my 3d bullet project: … 10/1181386
like them?
Last edited by hello12345678910 (2010-07-09 14:24:39)
hello12345678910 wrote:
got them. i added them to my 3d bullet project: … 10/1181386
like them?
Well hello, what do we have here? {lol]
Yep they're good! Now we just have to shrink and... should the color be light grey? Whatever Gamemaster wants. If it needs color change, I can do that for you guys.
btw, I was trying to make a smoke effect (3d particle) but FRAPS didn't go well Video2Gif Converter to Paint.NET to Scratch lol.
so we might have to draw one.
Like with gimp or we just have 2 different colored brushes and put donw blobs. And make several images of it in a little different way (for animating).
Maybe a tan-grey-brown colors idk..
Great. Just one thing: Can somebody make that a sprite (Right now it's on the background)?